What TV shows are you currently watching

Interesting. I gave up in S9. You think it's worth finishing off then?
Season 10 bored me for the most part, but 11 has made up for it. There are better things to watch tbh, but I was surprised by an improved season following several that have been dire.
Agree - Season 11 has been pretty decent
Finished House of Dragon at the weekend, enjoyed it. Almost done with Wu-Tang American saga and half way through Handmaids Tale latest series.
Watched S1 of 'The Captive' on iPlayer about CCTV being faked, people set up for crimes etc. I thought it was very good, some nice twists, well written, well acted on the whole and a reasonably interesting plot.
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Watched S1 of 'The Captive' on iPlayer about CCTV being faked, people set up for crimes etc. I thought it was very good, some nice twists, well written, well acted on the whole and a reasonably interesting plot.
I googled it and all I found was some film from 2014 with Ryan Reynolds. Had to look on iPlayer then find out it's actually called The Capture. You sausage :)

Need to jump on SAS Rogue Heroes myself.
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