What TV shows are you currently watching

Power started at the weekend and finished s2 last night, grabbed me more than I thought it would. 4 seasons to go then spin offs if it still keeps me interested.
Power started at the weekend and finished s2 last night, grabbed me more than I thought it would. 4 seasons to go then spin offs if it still keeps me interested.
Power is one I never expected much of but got addicted and finished it off quite quickly. It's full of holes and a bit silly tbh but has some great characters that keep you invested.

I haven't bothered with the spin offs yet as I was quite tired of it all by the end.
Flying through my 4th or 5th rewatch of Battlestar Galactica, one thing that's striking me more on this rewatch is the moral grey area in which the 'good guys' live - the parallels to post 9/11 america are more obvious in hindsight.

It's only really the CGI that's letting it down a little with the centurions, the space battles still look excellent and the story telling is mostly strong all the way through - a few dud episodes here and there but the good outweighs the bad 10 to 1.

About to finish S2 and already excited at the thought of rewatching the upcoming 'Adama Manoeuvre'
Steaming along on Succession. Reached season 3. Shiv has had 2 absolutely standout scenes that have stuck in my mind, one in S01E10 at the end with Ken, and S02E10 with Tom on the beach. Spoilers for said episode ahead:

Tom's line "I wonder if the sad I'd be without you, would be less than the sad I get from being with you"...my God! What a killer line
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Bodies - Netflix.

Pretty awful. We are 5 through of 8 or 10 episodes, and I guess the Mrs is just about invested enough, I'd quite happily drop it.

The one we watched previously - Dead to Me (also Netflix) actually grew on me going through, first few episodes I thought it was some type of Desperate Housewives, and not my thing. It ended up being quite dark yet keeping it light hearted at the same time, I quite enjoyed it in the end.
A new science fiction series started just the other day

First 2 eps are kinda average but it's scifi so.. not much of it around these days
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Succession done...sigh...I feel a different type of post-series-completion sadness with this one. Like, actual sadness.

Mega spoilers ahead.

I just can't believe in the end, it all came full circle, literally back to season 1. Ken loses what was right at his fingertips. Shiv's inability to let anyone else win. Roman admitting he's not up to it and regressing back to childish apathy. The make up scene at their mum's house gave you a glimmer of hope, but when Shiv makes it all come crashing down, it's so desperately tragic. But I do admit that it's pretty much a perfect ending. A happy ending for such a toxic family was a pipe dream.
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Yeah it was a good ending to succession.

We've started 'For All Mankind'. I don't really know enough about the whole space race to know what a difference it would've made had the Soviets got there first but I'm really enjoying the few episodes I've seen. Some scenes are really pretty.

It's weird in that the stakes don't feel particularly high but I'm only a few episodes in and no doubt very much in the 'character building' phase. I just think with something like Man in The High Castle the alternate history worked from the off.
It's weird in that the stakes don't feel particularly high but I'm only a few episodes in and no doubt very much in the 'character building' phase. I just think with something like Man in The High Castle the alternate history worked from the off.

Thanks for that recommendation! I love alternate history stuff, especially scenarios with "if the Nazis won" so I will definitely have to check this out.
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