What TV shows are you currently watching

Finished watching Last Kingdom the other week (excellent series)

Currently watching:

Gotham (S2)
Z Nation (S2)

Waiting to resume:
The Flash
Walking Dead

Waiting for the new season to start!

Game of Thrones
The 100
Legends of Tomorrow

Would like to continue:
Sleepy Hollow (S2)
Currently watching the new seasons of The Flash and Marvel Agents of Shield. We will have caught up with both by the end of this week so we will start Jessica Jones and maybe The strain to run along side them as they air weekly.

Finally we are waiting for The 100 and Game of thrones, of which the latter we are huge fans of.

On my own I'm currently watching Spartacus, just finished the first Season and am now watching the 2nd (prequel) season. Really enjoyed the first season, thought it was very good.

Once I'm done with all of Spartacus I'm probably going to start watching Banshee.

I'm currently waiting for The Walking Dead to resume from where it left off before Christmas as the misses doesn't watch it.
Just finishing the second x-files movie to complete my rewatch of it all in preparation for the new mini series.
I started The Flash a few days ago. It is not bad. Some dud characters in it though and it is slightly too formulaic for me, but it is still keeping me watching.
Not a lot at present:

Blue Bloods
Major Crimes
Last episode of Blacklist

About to start:

Jekyll & Hyde


Silent Witness
Started on Burn Notice a few weeks ago.

No idea where it goes beyond the first series, but loving every minute of it so far. Reminds me of MacGyver:)
Not that much, re-watching Breaking Bad for the third time.

Just started watching The man in the high castle.
Jessica jones was really good in the end. David Tennant was excellent as the bad guy. Probably the best Marvel thing so far imo.

I watched the first season of Brooklyn Nine Nine. It started off a bit poor imo, but by the end of the series of was really enjoying it. Not completely sold on the main guy in it, and early on in the season I found it hard to gauge how to take it as it flicked between really silly and serious a bit too much, but it found its identity more in the second half of the season.

It is quite similar to Parks and Recreation, but not quite in the same league tbh... The characters are pretty good but there is no Tom, Ron or Leslie to elevate it to those levels.
Been watching the French political drama 'Spin' on Channel 4. Reminds me of The West Wing, but with more scandal, sex and a more modern/gritty take on the EU political process.
I'm 8 episodes into Season 1 of Game of Thrones. I've halted at the moment in order to catch up on the book. I'm not surprised they added more XXX rated scenes in the TV series to keep the blokes interested.
The sopranos...

First time and just starting season 3

Without it breaking bad would not exist...it's brilliant.

The best there is really. I rewatch it all the way through every year since it finished. Writing is so good you leave with different opinions about characters every time.
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