What TV shows are you currently watching

The recruit 2/10, idk how to comment it apart from WTF did I watch...

American Primeval - 8/10
Just watch it and enjoy a show without the usual woke nonsense. Brilliant cast who fit their roles perfectly, with great attention to detail and period correctness. This is coming from someone who is not into Westerns...
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Currently going back through first two seasons of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet. One of my all time favorites.

That one takes me back, as a young teenage lad when it was first shown I simply couldn't believe how gorgeous Lysette Anthony was as the German secretary that Wayne eventually fell for.
Made my way through Lioness S1, not usually a massive fan of US spec ops stuff as its more often over the top than not, this wasnt much of an exception but really quite enjoyed it.

Beginning to think Taylor Sheridan is not to dissimilar to Hans Zimmer being more of a brand than a solo commitment these days, theres no way he can have his hands in this many pies exclusively at once.
Squid Game Season 2. Obviously not as impactful as the first and rather frustratingly it's really season 2a and season 2b will be next year regardless if they call it season 3.

Definitely worth a watch, and held my attention enough to want to know what happens next so will tune in again when S3 released

Watched lockerbie a search for truth As I had known about it but never delved in to its details. Or even researched it properly before

The first ep was an eye opener , Remaining EPs are the follow up after the event so focused around the crime / legal/ courts/ trial
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Finished The Penguin. Have to be honest, I really didn’t see what all the fuss was about. Found it slow, with naff dialogue and largely uninteresting characters, barring Colin Farrell who is always great these days.
Binge watched Inside Out spin-off Dream Productions last night. Really good fun, and probably better than Inside Out 2 itself.
Doing The X-Files right from the beginning. I never really saw any of the later ones when Fox Mulder left. I might not get that far...
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