What TV shows are you currently watching

Try Travellers if you like Fringe. Kind of similar in a way, ish.

Travelers was excellent, slightly shaky start but being Canadian it had a refreshing change of style compared to a lot of the typical American stuff. One of the best "Groundhog Day" time-loop episodes of any TV series I've seen too.

Plus Mackenzie Porter is utterly beautiful. :)
Travelers was excellent, slightly shaky start but being Canadian it had a refreshing change of style compared to a lot of the typical American stuff. One of the best "Groundhog Day" time-loop episodes of any TV series I've seen too.

Plus Mackenzie Porter is utterly beautiful. :)
Now fringe was a flipping amazing show!
Good Omens - just finished this and enjoyed it. The only thing that got me with it and a few others recently is how twee Britain is portrayed.

I know in this case it was part of the style but still set in modern times and the dad drive a Morris Minor, smoked a pipe and had a moustache!
Stranger things of course, excellent. and I finally got around to watching Friday night dinner, I tried once before and thought it was awful but I actuqlly really enjoyed it this time round.
Stranger things of course, excellent. and I finally got around to watching Friday night dinner, I tried once before and thought it was awful but I actuqlly really enjoyed it this time round.
I watched friday night dinner just for the guy that is Brian in spaced, and feautures in a lot of chris morris's work. forget his name ..
Just seen that Endgame has been added to Amazon Prime Video, I really recommend it. Canadian series starring Shawn Doyle as a famous Russian chess player who ends up suffering post-traumatic agoraphobia after his wife is killed, and ends up living in a hotel. It's got a hints of Elementary, The Mentalist, Perception etc about it but being Canadian it has a different feel to it and the characters are great. It only got one season so inevitably there are things that go unanswered but it's still well worth the time.

Yeah, those 4 seasons were excellent, shame we never got a 5th season ;)

Haha, I kind of know what you mean, rewatching it all from start to finish has made me realise that season 5 just wasn't very good, especially when they've left quite a few things from previous seasons unaddressed.
Never finished Fringe, it went downhill seriously after S2, utter guff after that. :p
yeah but Evil Olivia........

been enjoying the rookie...its pretty light then can go dark in a second! episode I just watched was a real big statement for a show in its first season

and nathan Fillion continuing to get people out of Firefly into his shows as guests
yeah but Evil Olivia........

been enjoying the rookie...its pretty light then can go dark in a second! episode I just watched was a real big statement for a show in its first season

and nathan Fillion continuing to get people out of Firefly into his shows as guests
Oh yes, evil Olivia, nice
Just started watching Knightfall. The Templars to me are just awesome and although no doubt created atrocities and murdered thousands, it must have been one hell of a time to be one.

To die for a cause that you 100% believe in in battle using skills you have prepared for all your life. There must be no grander death in my eyes.

The most likely death would be disease or infection from a wound bur hey, I like to think along the grander lines.
Watched "Dark Money" last night on BBC. Was a real difficult watch about a kid actor being abused by the producer whilst on set. Good but a difficult watch.
Reached the halfway point of The Expanse S3. A definite improvement over previous series, the major plot arcs are better established and flow well.

Still wish they'd kill off Holden and Nagata, they are just cringe inducingly bad actors, it's like watching Dawson's Creek when they're on screen....all moody pouting and telegraphed lines...eugh. Fortunately they aren't center stage this series so far.
Finished S2 of American Gods, still enjoyable with some nice effects. Odin and Anansi are my fav characters.

Also finished off the final season of Life In Pieces, which I like as an easy-going sitcom.

Strangers Things next :D
just finished stranger things. I think I preferred this over the 2nd series. A bit silly but thats ok it supposed to be or an era so the gags and politics are era appropriate.
Reached the halfway point of The Expanse S3. A definite improvement over previous series, the major plot arcs are better established and flow well.

Still wish they'd kill off Holden and Nagata, they are just cringe inducingly bad actors, it's like watching Dawson's Creek when they're on screen....all moody pouting and telegraphed lines...eugh. Fortunately they aren't center stage this series so far.

The actor who plays Holden always makes me think of a bargain bin Josh Hartnett.
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