What was the first game you ever played?

Same - i gave mine to my younger brother and it probably got binned after that :/

Good idea - how much were they asking?

*i have an uneasy feeling this is a prime symptom of getting older...

What's worse is that i took the kids to the science museum and they had the ZX81 and ZX Spectrum as exhibits - early examples of home computers (admittedly they are). Yep, my kids wont be letting me forget that any time soon.

iirc, they were going for like £40, a good example, double that i think
ill have to go and have another look again
I first played the football game with my brother on a Binatone TV master MK4 in 1978 at the age of 6.
We got it from a Tandy store if I remember correctly.
We bought the light gun version not long after that and i became hooked on video games ever since.
It was either one of the below, Link's Awakening (GameBoy), or SMB (NES), circa 1993.

You are probably too young to remember but here is my first game:

Chuckie Egg for the Acorn Electron, I think I was around 5 or 6 years old, I played the game every spare minute I had. My incredible father bought me the computer and game together one Christmas, we shared so many incredible times together on that machine, then the speccy, C16 and C64. I miss him so much, brings a tear to my eye still thinking of the memories.

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Chuckie Egg for the Acorn Electron, I think I was around 5 or 6 years old, I played the game every spare minute I had. My incredible father bought me the computer and game together one Christmas, we shared so many incredible times together on that machine, then the speccy, C16 and C64. I miss him so much, brings a tear to my eye still thinking of the memories.

Chuckie egg and pirates! Were two of the first games I remember playing, my uncle helped make Chuckie egg with his university friend way way back then.
Pirates was a game I watched my dad play as it was too complex for my little brain, my only good memory of him
Same as a couple of other guys here. A Binatone TV master MK8 :

On an actual computer would probably have been Elite on the BBC Micro B
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Mine was either Sphinx adventure,elite,snapper or Chucky egg on the acorn electron it was 1983/1984 when we got it so can’t quite remember.
Started with the Binatone system that has been mentioned earlier in the thread, followed shortly after by a Vic20....first game on that was probably Vic Invaders (space invaders clone) on cartridge, along with Blitz (see above), R.I.P. (Mastertronic) and Blue Meanies (again, see above).
Started with the Binatone system that has been mentioned earlier in the thread, followed shortly after by a Vic20....first game on that was probably Vic Invaders (space invaders clone) on cartridge, along with Blitz (see above), R.I.P. (Mastertronic) and Blue Meanies (again, see above).
I've just been Gifted an immaculate vic 20 what on earth do I do with it? Lol
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