What was the last game that surprised you?

6 Jan 2011
In a non-attack way.

I start this thread because I picked up Mount & Blade: Warband in the last Steam sale on a whim and all I can say is what the hell man, where did the time go? Did not expect to enjoy it this much, thought it looked a bit like War of the Roses or Chivalry, games I kinda enjoyed but didn't quite hit the medieval sweet spot for me, but Warband is unbelievable fun.

The last game that took me by this much surprise was probably, I don't know, the first Witcher?

Anything surprised anyone lately? I'm talking about games you don't hold out that much hope for, but that subsequently blow your balls off.
The last game that genuinely surprised me is Bastion.

Mount & Blade: Warband sure is an awesome game. It cost e £3.99 in a sale and I've played it for over 200 hours. Amazing value.
State of Decay - Purchased it during the steam sales. Thought it would be some sloppy XBLA zombie game. Instead it has become possibly the best survival experience I've ever had as you scavange for resource to keep your ragtag community of survivors alive whilst fighting off zombie hoardes.

The Breakdown DLC takes it further and removes the story elements for a full on sandbox/endless mode with zombie 'levels'.
GTA3 and GTA Vice City - Having not played the earlier games I wasn't sure they would really click with me. However both were fantastic. The range of activities in the games was fantastic. Do the main story if you want, do the side quests, do achievements or just put the radio on and cruise around. Fantastic games that took up a lot of my time.

Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City - Again not a comic book fan or Batman fan. was given a steam code for Asylum and downloaded but didn't play it for over 12 months. Fired it up one day bored. Intro ran then boom I was in the game. I thought I was watching a rendered cutscene. Again fantastic games.
Bioshock Infinite for me. I played the first one, skipped the second one because everyone seemed to hate it. I wasn't expecting much from BI but decided to take a chance and buy it on release day. Absolutely brilliant game with a good story and a great ending. IMO obviously. ;)
GTA Vice City - I played the original game on the PS 1 many years ago and while it was ok at the time. I couldn't believe the changes made and the progress from an over head quirky game to VC. Hooked immediately :)
Tomb Raider 2013. Not played a game like that in a while and after the disappointment of BF4, it was refreshing to play a game which I found so immersive.

Before Tomb Raider, it had to be HL2 and the following episodes.
Possibly Serious Sam 3. Although I quite liked the first, I'm not an avid fan of the series; nevertheless, I found the third installment to be the best so far, which is usually the opposite of what people tend to say about a series. I wouldn't say I think of it as a great game, but still, it's somewhat better than I expected. I certainly felt no desire to put the game down after half an hour or so. :)

I can't think of any others of the top of my head. Might update later.
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Mount and blade was the game which got me into PC gaming. Steam says I have spent 717 hours on the first one and I have probably spent as much time on warband. I loved it so much I ended up co creating a mod as well which took hundreds of hours of learning and labour but it was worth it as Mount and blade is probably my favourite game of all time.

Not many games suprised me as much as M&B, it is the perfect game for me and I bought it on a whim, I didn't even know it existed until I saw it on a flash sale.

Only other games which really surprised me recently was Europa Universalis 3 as again I had no idea it was around and it turned out to be just my kind of game and also battle of britain 2 wings of victory.

The new patches and the hands down best AI in any flight combat game makes BoB an amazing game. With so many planes in the sky, a very good flight engine and real attention to detail meant that it really feels like you are in the battle of Britain.
XCom. Must have wasted hundreds of hours on the original, so wasn't expecting to really like a simplified remake, but damn, it sucked me in :)
Probably The Walking Dead (Season 1). I had never played a game of its type before, and other than being familiar with the TV series I had no idea what I was expecting. Turned out to be one of the best games I've ever played and it's 1 of only 6 games I have in my "96 - 100%" custom category on Steam. Before that I'd probably say Civilization V as it was the first Civ game I tried and I knew nothing about it other than it being a strategy game. Sits in my 96 - 100% category with The Walking Dead and currently around 1.2k hours spent on it.
Arkham Asylum and City surprised me as i just don't enjoy them and i just dont know why. Everything about them is great but for some reason they leave me cold. Surprised me as they reviewed so well
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