What was the last game that surprised you?

Bioshock Infinite for me. I played the first one, skipped the second one because everyone seemed to hate it. I wasn't expecting much from BI but decided to take a chance and buy it on release day. Absolutely brilliant game with a good story and a great ending. IMO obviously. ;)

Same for me. Haven't played anything as good since then.
Arkham Asylum and City surprised me as i just don't enjoy them and i just dont know why. Everything about them is great but for some reason they leave me cold. Surprised me as they reviewed so well

This for me, as well as Fallout/Skyrim. They hold no appeal to me.
Definitely Bioshock Infinite, as I didn't like the original Bioshock games. Infinite is right up there as one of my all time favourite gaming experiences.
Elite Dangerous for me cannot believe how good it plays on a HOTAS as all other games getting dumbed down for KB/Mouse this game rocks with a stick.
I'd say the most recent one I've played is Shadow Warrior. Really was not expecting much other than a gory hack and slash, but by god, does it do it well. And the game is much longer than I had anticipated as well. Fantastic attention to detail and polish throughout.

Going back to older times, as others have said, Vice City, hands down. Not sure how much of that is a case of rose-tinted glasses however. While arguably, San Andreas had a lot more to do and discover, Vice City is the one that truly sticks in my mind.

I mocked it at first. Thought it was going to be awful, never gave it a second thought. Then I tried it, and I've put 100's of hours into it..
Dungeon Defenders for me. I thought it would just be a standard tower defence game at first sight, then I ended up putting a hell of a lot of time into it :D
Chivalry - Medieval Warfare suprised me. It has the best first person melee combat I've ever played, both easy to get into and extremely difficult to master. It kind of reminds me of the good old days of Street Fighter II because the moves seem straight forward but the deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the more complex they become.

Note: I've bought this game a month ago, along with Mount and Blade: Warband. While the latter is by no means a bad game, the combat is nowhere near as good as Chivalry's, there's just no comparison. When you charge with a vanguard, do a swipe and take two enemy heads, it "feels" like your sword connected. M&B doesn't have anything like that, I suppose a lot of its value lies in single player and mods.
It might have been Mount & Blade Warband for me aswell.

I thought the game looked silly but I bought it on a whim and its become one of my favourite games.
Bioshock Infinite for being way worse than expected taking the general opinion of players and reviewers into consideration. I bought it at launch and even though I was at first blown away with the art direction and the world, it just masks how much of a basic, and maybe even bad, shooter it really is. The story wasn't even that great, just because it had this rush job, sloppy ending with "muh infinite worlds" doesn't at all make it that interesting.

I was pleasantly surprised by The Binding of Isaac however, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Seriously, I had loads of fun with this game, and it really does stand on it's own when compared to the original.
GTA V, easily one of the best games in the past decade. Destiny beta recently had me hooked, can't wait for release. I also love Resogun on PS4.
Farcry 3, I got it bundled with a graphics card and hadn't touched it having never played the series before. Downloaded it when I was off over Christmas and absolutely loved it.
Borderlands 2 for me.

I hated the first one with a passion but the second one I hot addicted to after a couple of hours. Can't wait to get the DLC for it next week
Chivalry - Medieval Warfare suprised me. It has the best first person melee combat I've ever played, both easy to get into and extremely difficult to master. It kind of reminds me of the good old days of Street Fighter II because the moves seem straight forward but the deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the more complex they become.

Note: I've bought this game a month ago, along with Mount and Blade: Warband. While the latter is by no means a bad game, the combat is nowhere near as good as Chivalry's, there's just no comparison. When you charge with a vanguard, do a swipe and take two enemy heads, it "feels" like your sword connected. M&B doesn't have anything like that, I suppose a lot of its value lies in single player and mods.

agree fully about the combat in Chivalry. if Warband had that, it'd be unbelievable. where i prefer Warband is in the colossal, open-ended nature of the single player. different games, i suppose.
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