What was the last thing you ate and how would you rate it?

Canned mackerel in mustard sauce with brown roll, 6/10

Good meal, but more for health than pleasure. It's become my normal lunch since new years. Well that and sardines.
A bit of a Thornton's chocolate santa I had left over from Christmas.

Thornton's chocolate just isn't as good as it used to be. Or maybe I got spoilt over Christmas with too many things from Green and Blacks and Hotel Chocolat.

Marmite and peanut butter on toast, I didn't quite get the Marmite:Peanut butter ratio right, so I'd give it a 7/10

You either love it, or it gets stuck to the roof of your mouth :P
Couple of hotdogs at home for lunch.


Really good lip flavour with a hint of eyelid cutting through at the end, but couldn't be bothered doing onions hence marking it down a bit.
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