what was the very first game you played?

The original question was what was your first PC game.

That's a tough one: I'd like to say Doom in 1993 but I know there were a fair few more before that... I reckon Alone in the Dark.
I think it was Asteroids on the original apple macintosh classic (black and white).


Probably around 1995-96
I had a game pack that came with my amstrad CPC 464. I can't remember all the games in it or even which one I played first but the game I remember most of all is 'roland in the caves' which after a quick google was 1984 ....... so that would be 25 years then :eek:

Other games I remember from it were sultans maze (which I can still remember took 17 minutes to load from the tape), roland on the ropes and oh mummy
a lot off ppl must have skimmed the OP, as he asking about your first PC game!

Mine was Civilisation which just managed to fit on my 40mb hard drive along with dos5.5 and windows 3.1 I had to mess about with batch files and the config files to make a boot disk to get it to work.
oh if were doing pc games think it was monkey island on my friends amstrad with dos i remember he had a 20 meg hardrive and the sound came from internal speaker. the game was on 8 5.25 inch disks. he didnt have a 3.5 inch drive. Sometimes the game laged and guybrush started walking really slow lol. think he barely had the ram/processor requirements to run it
I don't think PC gaming came into it's own until much later. I remember when I had my Amiga, people with PC's either had a 386SX/DX or (if they were rich) a 486SX. At that time, most Amiga games were much better than the PC version. The first PC game that was much better than the Amiga could do was Wolfinstein. 3D first person games were one thing that the Amiga clearly couldn't do.

The main thing that sticks in my mind of PC gaming at that time was sound cards. People either had Soundbaster or Tandy. There was no internet to get drivers or google solutions. People who invested in these soundcards only ever seemed to have 1 or 2 games that actually used them, the rest simply used the PC 'beep'.
Always went round to a pal's house as he had a 386. First game might've been Links 386. That was definitely the first one that was played well into the night.

Doom would'nt have been too far behind that and that was the reason I had to get a PC too!
First PC game was some bespoke text adventure written by a guy called Geoff on the Michelin's AS/400 mainframe. Vacuum magnetic tape drives and Hard Drives the size of a cooker that required a curling stone F T W! :D
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