what was the very first game you played?

As far as I can remember, the very first "game" I played on a PC was way, way back on an old 286/386 machine. It was a text based deal where you had so many Dollars and had to buy in Lemonade and sell it at a profit from your stall. Interesting stuff huh?. :D

Being an auld goat of 37 years of age now, I look at the latest game titles and look you can't help but be impressed at what we now class as a PC "game". :cool:
PC - Possibly Sam n Max, Monkey Island or Duke Nukemnot sure

Atari - Centipede
Apple Mac - Cannon fodder thing
NES - Iron Sword
SNES - Super Mario World
Master System - Sonic
Mega Drive - Alien Storm
PSX - Battle Arena Toshinden
PS2 - Tekken Tag
First ever game on any computer was " The Very Big Cave Adventure".

This was on a Casette for the Amstrad, I think.

Can't remember what was my first game on the PC, I know it was on 6 Floppies and I had to edit the config.sys, high-mem loading sequence in DOS to get it to run.

The Joys of early PC Gaming before Windows 3.1:rolleyes:
The first game I played was on a DOS pc, and you were basically a gorilla, and you had to throw a banana at another gorilla by specifying the angle and velocity. And it made things interesting by having different types of scenery and wind and stuff. I think you can guess by this point that I can't remember the name :) Awesome game though.

Oh and snake, again for a DOS pc.

Yep thats mine gorillas written in Qbasic for MS-DOS 5
Descent was my first PC game i believe, either that or Doom, then stuff like Jane's Combat Simulator for windows 95 and Descent II, remember i played Mechwarrior early on as well, been long time fan of Mechwarrior franchise, got into Rollercoaster Tycoon back when it was first released in '95 or '97 i can't remember which and ST: Birth Of The Federation, those are the games i remember most from my early PC gaming days, my favourite being Mechwarrior or BOTF :)
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