What was your first (PC) computer, 286,386?

I had an Amstrad MegaPC. It was a PC that also had a Sega Megadrive built in and came with a beige controller. It was, quite frankly, the PC equivalent of a mullet. Business at the front and party at the lower left hand side of the front.
Can't remember specs, but I had a complete desktop package from Tiny Computers (810L I think). Must have been around the year 2000/01 so I was only about 10. I swear it cost almost £2,000 too! I only ever used it for Doom and Quake. :cool:
First PC was a 486 DX2-66 which I assumed would last forever given how much it cost :D

First computer was a ZX Speccy 48k.
Long time ago, Apricot PC, with 166mmx cpu, within hours of getting it the hood was off and overclocked it to 233 and solid as a rock with stock h/s and fan ... I felt like king of the world !!!!

Oh I remember Apricot! they were one of the early PC clones i.e. non-IBM PC. Didn't have one myself just remember reading a review in PC magazine you needed money to afford one at home.

The Xerox PARC Alto was called a PC nearly a whole decade before IBM introduced the IBM PC.

Maybe, but it was not in common use, not over here at anyrate and certainly not before the IBM PC appeared did it become common usage and understood to mean x86/MS compatible machines subsequently. I guess we're arguing semantics here.
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Pentium 166 IIRC

we had an Amiga 500+ prior to that and a BBC B prior to that + an Amstrad my dad used

the kids a couple of doors down had had a 486 for a while and was a bit jealous of some of the games: some starwars game, alone in the dark, sam and max... though I loved the Amiga the PC graphics were a leap ahead, was pretty chuffed to finally get a PC with Windows 95
1996 - Gateway Tower Pentium Pro 200, STV Virge VX on Windows NT 3.51 (with NT4 upgrade). If computers in general, Speccy 48k...

Cost £2500 and was saved up with my first weekend job at college over 9 months. In hindsight I really wish I was into cars back then :p

EDIT: Had to install Windows 95 to play games and at the time you could only get the CD version from OEMs so ended having to buy the floppy disk version (think it was 40 odd floppies). Bugger didnt have a CD driver for some bloody reason so ended having to get the dll off an OEM copy at the time IIRC...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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My first was a 386 I think, it had 4mb Ram 60mb hard drive and I got it from Tiny for a whopping £1,600 some 22ish years ago

Remember them telling me I would never fill the drive up.

That was my first proper one, did own a ZX81 and a Vic 20 before that
Olivetti 486 sx25 with 4mb ram, 512k graphics card and 120mb HD. All running DOS 6 and Win 3.1. It was bought for me to do college work on but then I discovered Doom....:D
First Desktop

Escom Build (1995)
Pentium 133mhz
16mb ram
14 inch CRT
Windows 95

(First games I got were Mechwarrior 2 and Doom 2)

First Laptop

4mb ram
250mb HD
9 inch green and black monitor
Windows 3.1

-It was ******* awful!
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