Mitac branded 386 SX33 in about 1996 ish
4mb ram 85mb hard disk
512mb VGA ISA card
Floppy drive
Windows 3.1 and DOS 6.2
Gutted when I was given a copy of Doom and it failed to load. The difference a DX made back then. I still have the hard disk and on a mission to rebuild a system but this time with a DX or 486 and a CDRom. Just need to find a decent priced board and CPU to complete it
I think as our family computer we had something very similar only the out the factory door aga-tech version. I remember the 13” screen the most mainly because when my own screen broke later I was trying to use it and it wouldn’t go above 800x600! I thought we would have had it in 1993-4? I remember playing 7th guest, then Return to Zork and MystMitac branded 386 SX33 in about 1996 ish
4mb ram 85mb hard disk
512mb VGA ISA card
Floppy drive
Windows 3.1 and DOS 6.2