What was your first PC spec?

first one was a P75, with no CD rom, spent loads of time upgrading various bits and pieces and even upgraded to a citrix 133 that would overclock to 150mhz, the power!!!
My first:

Amd K6-III 450Mhz
Motherboard with On-board graphics lol.

It wasn't the best for games due to the onboard graphics.

It also didn't have an AGP slot so when I eventually upgraded I got a Voodoo 4500 PCI. Ah good times.
486 DX 25mhz
512kb graphics
340mb hard drive

I was given it in the mid 90s but it was one of the very first 486s from 1990. In 1990 it must have been a complete beast. It had EISA slots and everything.
Can’t remember the full specs, but got some money from a building society merger and built my own first PC around what I think was a K6 200/Abit AX5. Remember the monitor took up a big chunk as I went for a decent Iiyama 17 from memory. Later added a Voodoo2 shortly after release with paper round money I had saved up, was amazing!
My first PC was a state of the art, top of the range P133 from Evesham Micros. It had 8Mb RAM, a 2Mb Diamond graphics card, a Soundblaster 16, 4x CD ROM drive and a whopping 1Gb hard drive! It also came with a 15" monitor. It was a great PC that lasted many years with a couple of upgrades.
286 sx16
2mb ram board that was as long as the case
20mb hd that took up 2 x 5 1/4 bays
Some cirrus logik gfx card
And a tiny 14' monitor
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I think my first PC was a Pentium II 350, 4 Gb Ram, 9 Gb HDD, internal GFX (eventually upgraded to a voodoo 3), 15" VGA CRT monitor and it cost me app £1400 (from Tiny) around 1998 wow :(
I think my first PC was a Pentium II 350, 4 Gb Ram, 9 Gb HDD, internal GFX (eventually upgraded to a voodoo 3), 15" VGA CRT monitor and it cost me app £1400 (from Tiny) around 1998 wow :(
Well if it's any consolation; yes you might have spent a large sum of money on it but at least it probably lasted you a good few weeks before it was obsolete :p
I think my first PC was a Pentium II 350, 4 Gb Ram, 9 Gb HDD, internal GFX (eventually upgraded to a voodoo 3), 15" VGA CRT monitor and it cost me app £1400 (from Tiny) around 1998 wow :(
I’d hazard a guess that it was 4Mb RAM and not 4Gb although that was low even for back then
Intel 486 sx or dx 2 66mhz

I remember shortly after I got a 586 80mhz spec or so, but I noticed as it was booting up as he was demonstrating and it was 100mhz !!! I was so happy and kept it quiet that I got one over the seller. ..only to realise later he flipped the dip switch and over clocked it lol

...good times :p
Intel 486 sx or dx 2 66mhz

I remember shortly after I got a 586 80mhz spec or so, but I noticed as it was booting up as he was demonstrating and it was 100mhz !!! I was so happy and kept it quiet that I got one over the seller. ..only to realise later he flipped the dip switch and over clocked it lol

...good times :p
I remember when I worked in the I.T department of a company and they were getting rid of all there 486 machines this was 2003 and sometimes I used to get Pentiums and say they are 486 machines to take them home. I took all the 486 machines as well I had piles of them, the Dell machines were good because they had a setting in the BIOS which made them almost 200 MHz and it was fast enough to install Windows 2000 to make them look better than what they were to sell them on but I found it hard to sell a lot of the 486 machines, they could only just about run Windows 95 maxed out, I tried to makeWindows 95 look like a new Windows version, at the time people wanted faster machines so lots of 486 machines where being dumped chucked away. A lot of mine I ended up stripping until eventually all ended up in the skip because nobody wanted 486 stuff.

Its all worth lots of money now days. Mind you with shipping costs they are a pig to sell, heavy & pricey to sell & don't sell locally without a specialized market for them.
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AMD K6-2 400Mhz
I think 64MB RAM
3.4GB HDD (Or similar)

I had no idea what I was buying (obvs)

Pretty quickly upgraded to a voodoo 2 (initialy bought a 3 but MB didn't have AGP :( )

Then a CD-RW

The a Diamond SupraExpress 56k external modem, to lower my ping to acceptable levels for Unreal Tournament
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AMD K6-2 400Mhz
I think 64MB RAM
3.4GB HDD (Or similar)

I had no idea what I was buying (obvs)

Pretty quickly upgraded to a voodoo 2 (initialy bought a 3 but MB didn't have AGP :( )

Then a CD-RW

The a Diamond SupraExpress 56k external modem, to lower my ping to acceptable levels for Unreal Tournament
K6-2 was such a great chip at the time :)
P90 bought from thoose crooks at Escom who went bankrupt not that long afterwards.

Had faulty memory that's caused all sorts of random issues until upgraded.
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