What would the reaction be to a song about gay love?

I wouldn't listen to a song about homosexuality because i'm straight, it has no relevance to me what so ever. The same reason I dislike all those songs about guns and 'ma bitchez'.
$loth said:
I wouldn't listen to a song about homosexuality because i'm straight, it has no relevance to me what so ever. The same reason I dislike all those songs about guns and 'ma bitchez'.

I'd agree with that for a song 'overtly' about man love (something akin to Brokeback Mountain I guess, no interest) but as said, the veiled references dont upset me as a heterosexual male.

In fact I'm more annoyed by overtly sexual heterosexual songs, the recent 'no strings' track (no idea on the artist) makes me squirm!

/edited for correct quote :)
penski said:
I think your black nail varnish needs touched up...


never worn nail varnish in my life. i dont dress in black. i wear jeans (not black) and trainers and (normally white/grey) teeshirt. unlucky tbh.
penski said:
Awesome band.

And you're blatantly a burgeoning emo...just waiting for your fringe to get long enough so that it can be floppy ;)


shush boy i have my hair cut short always :). baldy!
iBot said:
Dyers Eve by metallica is about gay sex, as is fade to black.

I had to go check the booklet for the lyrics when I heard Dyers Eve, I thought Hetfield was singing "Anal Sex, torn within..." in the chorus.

Luckily the words are "Innocence, torn from me..."

Why the hell am i reading about gay love
If someone were to write a song about gay love then I would have to start a letter writing campaign towards the BBC. If anyone should do anything about it, then it should start with the BBC. How dare they promote homosexuality in this day and age. The very fact you created a thread based around people's opinions about the mere thought of someone writing a song about homosexuality tells me that the youth of today are under threat (possibly the greatest threat of modern times?!!?!). My mind is in meltdown now just thinking about the possibility of charts being filled with gay music (Although my work collegue has just informed me that the charts are already very gay! It's already too late :( ).

A prolongued and hate filled letter campaign is drastically needed to curb this disturbing trend. We need Mary Whitehouse on the case.
Hellsmk2 said:
If someone were to write a song about gay love then I would have to start a letter writing campaign towards the BBC. If anyone should do anything about it, then it should start with the BBC. How dare they promote homosexuality in this day and age. The very fact you created a thread based around people's opinions about the mere thought of someone writing a song about homosexuality tells me that the youth of today are under threat (possibly the greatest threat of modern times?!!?!). My mind is in meltdown now just thinking about the possibility of charts being filled with gay music (Although my work collegue has just informed me that the charts are already very gay! It's already too late :( ).

A prolongued and hate filled letter campaign is drastically needed to curb this disturbing trend. We need Mary Whitehouse on the case.

I love you....In the biblical sense of the term.

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