What would you do if you saw a USB stick in the street?

create a VM , attach USB to VM and if any problems remove and and throw, no damage to physical laptop
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Just plug it in. Odds of it being anything but some poor sod losing their USB stick is about a zillion to 1.

honestly. :P
Pick it up and see what's on it, maybe there's something I can use to find the owner with. I put a file called __readme_if_found.txt on mine with contact details in it. I've got lost USBs back that way before.
Usually it gets handed into the Police at the end of shift, although I'm sure any unrusted ones get interrogated by whoever finds them beforehand.
However, we might just see about getting your details and then sending you the bill... y'know, since you openly admitted to impacting a public asset, and all
reminds me of the money prank where they glue the money to the ground and make you look like a fool if you attempt to take it
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Just LOL if you don't use an actual telescope to view the small and hard to read files on a USB stick you found in the street but you have to put the scope about 70 yards away from the stick and then get the angle right, it is a science, and then wait for the sun to hit just right and then voila - 1337 hackzorz represent.

e: noobs.
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I once found an UNOPENED, retail boxed 2TB external HDD on my bus.

Handed it in to lost property and waited the 28 days. Attempted to claim it as per our company policy and was told due to data protection I couldn't claim it and it would be destroyed.

As for the OP, 3, I'd plug it in. I have an old netbook that I only use for Forscan. In the event there was something nasty I'd just junk the drive and fit another
4 - because you never know, could be a bitcoin on it.

Although I didn't realise that you could be virused by just plugging in a stick, so now I would take precautions.
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