What would you do with £100,000,000?

afraser2k said:
If you won that much money how much would the government take off you in tax, assuming you don't put it into off-shore accounts?
I would have thought you'd only get taxed on the interest if it was given as a prize. If it was a gift/inheritance you'd get taxed at 40% I think?
Build a great music studio, and fill it with many instruments. Then maybe genetically clone David Gilmour, Rick Wright and a cool bass player, like John Myung. Then jam all day :cool:
I'd probably buy a house in 5 different countries (I like the docklands so one here, a house for my parents wherever they want, USA, australia, and erm... any recommendations? lol)

I'd finish off my degree first. Then relocate to somewhere (one the 3 countries I've listed so far) and take up an expensive hobby. :)
The first thing to do is decide where (and I mean what country) you want to live in. Bear in mind tax regimes.

The second thing to do is to get top grade tax and investment advice, and to think about the balance between income and capital gain.

The third thing to do is .... pretty much anything you like, with a few exceptions.

Most people here are talking about interest rates. If you have that kind of money, interest rates are generally not what you worry about. What you worry about is the capital gain, because the options for increasing that money through careful capital gain FAR exceed any standard interest rate. But anything you do will involve an element of risk, so a careful spread of investments is mandatory, if you have any sense. So look at gilts (probably low yield ones), look at property (including some speculative markets), look at some high risk high return investments as well as some stolid, blue chip ones, and so on.
I'd buy an apartment in a NYC skyscraper, one in a London skyscraper and one in Tokyo. I'd then buy a Veyron, Viper and an F430 and but I'd keep my Focus as a run around. I'd then give around £10m to relatives and friends. I'd probably buy a small jet and fly myself to my houses and lease it out while its not in use.
I'd give most of it away and keep around 10-20 million. Then with the 10 or so million attempt investing some of it, buy a nice big 3/4 bedroom detached house and a smart car and use it to raise a family comfortably.

Might use some of it to get into property development, or start my own B&B somewhere nice (Wife would love that).
  • Buy me and all of my family members cars,mainly an M5 each,760Li for my dad,M3 for my brother.A McLaren f1 Lm for the track.
  • Buy a house in scotland,buy bigger houses that would be homely for my family,buy a house in london,new york,whistler BC,New Zealand etc etc
  • Buy my mum a shop so she can do her reiki and massage work which she likes a lot.
  • Pay of whatever debts my family has.
  • Built up my dream bike for myself and my mates dream bike and be able to replace whatever gets broken.
  • Pay a whole team to build nice shore/trails in the land i bought for me and my mate to ride,will be open to the public aswell!
  • Go on a round the world trip as soon as i had the money,just disappear for ages.
  • Give personally £1m each to my chosen charities,i'd make sure it goes to help peeple though!
  • Buy a house next to the nurburgring!!!!! so i can stay when i go for a "run".
  • Go the ice cream van and ask for 1milllion of them.....1million of them etc etc(like my mate did but not with £10 lol with £5m)

Hmmm i would do a lot.
I'll donate at least half of the money to the church.

Will solve a lot of poverty issues back home.
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