What's causes more wear on an engine?

Neither will kill it on a modern engine with a rev limiter. Just don't do it on a cold engine as the oil won't get around it properly and make sure the oil is changed at the relevant intervals.
L0rdMike said:
Boost will only kick in if you have ya foot down.

This is what ive never understood when people say about their engines being on boost at cruising speed so they get really bad economy. Every turbo ive ever driven has been the same as the MR2's, ie, they will only boost with your foot down, you can still cruise at 6000rpm with no boost at all getting 25-30mpg.
i rarely venture over 2K rpm on town runs the car will sit happily at 1.5K at 30mph in 5th at 70 mph on the motoway the rpm reads just under 3K, i could probably count in one hand how many times i've bin past 4K rpm :)

thedazman67 said:
i rarely venture over 2K rpm on town runs the car will sit happily at 1.5K at 30mph in 5th at 70 mph on the motoway the rpm reads just under 3K, i could probably count in one hand how many times i've bin past 4K rpm :)


yawn yawn yawn lol
High rpms in first and second I would imagine cause more damage due to the acceleration putting stress on the drivetrain.

I never go above 3,00rpm until the temperature reads 91 degrees.
Muncher said:
High rpms in first and second I would imagine cause more damage due to the acceleration putting stress on the drivetrain.

I never go above 3,00rpm until the temperature reads 91 degrees.

why 91 degrees ?
Jez said:
This is what ive never understood when people say about their engines being on boost at cruising speed so they get really bad economy. Every turbo ive ever driven has been the same as the MR2's, ie, they will only boost with your foot down, you can still cruise at 6000rpm with no boost at all getting 25-30mpg.

Yup the only way they could be "on boost" with their foot off the accelerator is if the butterfly on the throttlebody was stuck open. And in that event, they'd have bigger worries than economy :D :p
lordedmond said:
why 91 degrees ?

It's the minimum temperature the engine will sit at when in use really so it's a fairly good indication that it's at operating temperature, takes about 8 minutes and a few miles to get that warm.
Muncher said:
It's the minimum temperature the engine will sit at when in use really so it's a fairly good indication that it's at operating temperature, takes about 8 minutes and a few miles to get that warm.
thanks it just seemed a odd number

my oil burner takes about 8 miles to get warm horizontal needle LOL

just waiting to get it back after the muppets fitted the wrong ecu
they fitted part ending in 81A instead of 87A

goes into limp home mode at 2.5k on full thottle
Just out of curiosity, are the temps people quoting oil, or water temps? Because water temps aren't always indicative of how 'warmed up' the engine is...

I'm lucky in that I have oil temp and pressure so I can see exactly when the Clio's ready for a spirited drive ;)
That's water temperature, I cannot tell oil temperature so it's the best I can go on. By that time the engine is very hot to touch so I assume the oil is reasonably hot too.
But who's the post directed at? And what's wrong with the last 2 syllables of the word "frequently"?

As for oil, the warmer and fresher the better - and I do mean warm, not "so hot it's breaking down and no longer functions as a lubricant". Revs are generally what kills an engine, be they sustained or in bursts.
Jez said:
This is what ive never understood when people say about their engines being on boost at cruising speed so they get really bad economy. Every turbo ive ever driven has been the same as the MR2's, ie, they will only boost with your foot down, you can still cruise at 6000rpm with no boost at all getting 25-30mpg.
Surely you'll only be on boost cruising if you need the turbo to generate the horsepower necessary to maintain that speed.

I.e. Car A is 100HP and does 100MPH. Car B is Car A with a turbo, and 150HP and does 150MPH. If you go 110MPH in Car B, you'll be on some boost, as the engine can't maintain that power and thus speed without the turbocharger.
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