What's everyone getting their Mrs for Xmas?

We stopped buying each other presents for Christmas years ago. Instead we opt to get something that we both enjoy that we can enjoy together. This year it's the PS5!
We aren't doing presents this year for the first time ever.

We are abroad for Christmas for the time ever so that is why. Normal service will resume 2021.
A new mixer for baking (Who knew mixers were so outrageusly expensive? £380 later...) and a few other bits and bobs.
My wife's birthday is end of November so that makes it double hard. I've got quite a few smaller bits for her for Christmas and birthday but missing out on some of the 'main' things. She's so hard to buy for!
I'm as guilty as this as anyone but the magic and anticipation of things you've been looking forward to getting all year is diminishing, quickly. If we need or want something, typically we just go and buy it. Not sure what she'll get as a major gift, but I've also got to couple it in with a major birthday so that's double whammy
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