Wonder if @Gibbo will fancy a reduced McLaren instead, following the latest news? Build volumes are down. Both them and Aston could be in a fair bit of bother. McLaren really haven't made enough of an effort to differentiate their offerings. It's only recently that the Speedtail and Elva have come along, and they are limited run models. Can't understand why they didn't try a Cayman rival. People will probably scream that it would bring their image downmarket, but it hasn't affected Porsche in that manner!
If all you sell is a bunch of V8 supercars, should it be a surprise that you end up tapping every avenue for funding and swinging the axe on the workforce when times get hard, irrespective of how good your niche products are?
If all you sell is a bunch of V8 supercars, should it be a surprise that you end up tapping every avenue for funding and swinging the axe on the workforce when times get hard, irrespective of how good your niche products are?