Hidden & Dangerous.
The second game of that series was awesome.
Its got all the signs of a suck fest, its late, theres no real game play details, its high concept, the lead character is called "Alan".............
The best game of all time has the protagonist called "Gordon".
Isn't it time we had an ******** OFFICIAL ALAN WAKE THREAD **********?
It got renamed to Alan Wait
Thought his name was Snake?
Its got all the signs of a suck fest, its late, theres no real game play details, its high concept, the lead character is called "Alan".............
Alan Partridge would be better rename. Its now set in a travel tavern which is equidistant between Norwich and London. It’s not 3-star, but it’s certainly competitive
Thought his name was Snake?
I know that he has one of the most annoying voices in games. Wish they'd got someone else.
The best game of all time has the protagonist called "Gordon".
I know that he has one of the most annoying voices in games. Wish they'd got someone else.
i've just wasted valuable time reading your dribble.
I know that he has one of the most annoying voices in games. Wish they'd got someone else.
The best game of all time has the protagonist called "Gordon".
"Leon. S. Kennedy" is spelt:
L E O N. S. K E N N E D Y
Half life one of the best games of all time dont be silly, Far Cry destroys Half Life two before you've even finished clicking on the "install" button.