What's my max voltages

22 Feb 2017
Hi all,
Recently got a new pc and have been playing with OCing it.
I am struggling to find a sensible answer on what voltages my kit max out at. I understand that really the limit on voltage are the temps produced as a result of the voltage but equally there must be a maximum the components can run at long term even if kept within decent temps.

If you are able to let me know for the 3 bits of kit below what I shouldn't go above, irrespective of temp, that would be amazing

Ryzen 5 1600
Corsair 3200mhz DDR4 lpx vengeance

Thanks all.
Ryzen should be kept below 1.375V, RX 580 should be kept below 1.25V and DDR4 can be run up to 1.35V.

Those are assuming you keep Ryzen below 70C and RX 580 below 80C.

Thanks, that's exactly what I needed.

I am below all those which is good news.

Got my Ryzen at 3.9, reckon I can get 4 with better cooling.
The ram is running at 3200 at the voltage you stated and the 580 can max it mem clock and hit 1500 core clock. :-)
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