What's on your Ctrl+V?

DEATH qualmë, unqualë (agony; according to VT45:24, Tolkien changed this word to anqualë), #fírië, #effírië (basically "expiration", attested with the ending -mmo in fíriemmo, effíriemmo "of our death"), nuru, older ñuru (personalized Nuru = Mandos), fairë (natural death [as act]) (Note: fairë also means "radiance" and "phantom", and even [in LT1:250] "free"), urdu -KWAL/LT1:264, VT43:34, ÑGUR/VT46:4, PHIR, LT2:342
Once police determine that a squatter has established some sort of tenancy, the issue becomes a civil matter. By settling into a home in a generally respectable manner, a squatter can create the appearance of tenants' rights.
[URL="http://www.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=EX5+2BD&ie=UTF8&om=1"]EX5 2BD[/URL]
Mine appears quite boring, its the postcode and google maps link of Exeter Airport for a trip to the Scilly Ilses my family is planning for various landmark birthdays, was working out how long it would take me to drive there (3 hours :( )
Its not the Scilly Isles mate its the Isles of Scilly. I should know i live there;)

My last clip board entry= content.switch.threshold.
Was tweaking firefox, boring.

I would have thought that technically thats the same thing but I'll defer to the yokels ;) Hope you lot aren't this bad when I come over :D
Crucially, there are no microfoundations for it. In the modern era, economists have insisted that the micro-logic of any larger-scale process should be explained. The C-D production function fails this test.

For example, consider two sectors which have the exact same Cobb-Douglas technologies:

if, for sector 1,

Y1 = AL1αK1β

and, for sector 2,

Y2 = AL2αK2β,

that, in general, does not imply that

Y1 + Y2 = A(L1 + L2)α(K1 + K2)β

This holds only if L1 / L2 = K1 / K2 and α+β = 1, i.e. for constant returns to scale technology.

It is thus a mathematical mistake to assume that just because the Cobb-Douglas function applies at the micro-level, it also applies at the macro-level. Similarly, there is no reason that a macro Cobb-Douglas applies at the disaggregated level.

Making some exam notes earlier :o
27 Dresses (2008)
Star Trek VI- The Undiscovered Country (1991)
Star.Trek.TS.XviD-DEViSE 2009
Josh Wink - Dirty South Remix


Tune I heard last night, wrote down what i could remember of the name :p Rest was Higher state of Conciousness if anyone's interested.

Ant :cool:
Raw Continues and its off backstage with Josh Matthews:

JM: Please welcome my guest at this time former World Heavyweight Champion +44.

+44: Thanks for that introductions Todd its been a while since I heard myself being called former World Champion.

JM: I'm Josh Matthews, Todd works on Smackdown now forty.

+44: Well dont use his lines then kid, 'my guest at this time' is legendary around here.

I'm only kidding Josh I heard that your gonna do great things here in the WWE, your going all the way to the top.

JM: Really who told you that?

+44: Your mother told me Josh, I just spoke to here. I heard you got her some tickets.

JM: Yeah thats right, my status here got me some awesome tickets for her.

+44: Thats not what she told me Josh she told me that she's sat up in the Nose ... wait for it ... still wait... Bleeds. Nose bleeds Josh.

JM: Very funny forty but back to business, Baillie just announced a match that you will be in at Sacrifice this Sunday. It will be you and Silverstone against Baillie and his partners Dhruv. Whats your thoughts on that 44?

+44: Before I comment on that lets just go back 24 hours shall we. Last night at Judgement Day Baillie went into arguably his biggest match here in XWT against The Staff. Now lets get on thing straight me and the Staff have been here since day one, day zip, the beginning of XWT Josh. We know the way things go around here, and every so often these upstarts come along and say there world beaters, blah di blah da da. The same stuff over and over but every time and I mean EVERY time this happens they stop short. Baillie suffered a defeat last night, one that ruins his perfect record however short that was. He thought he was bigger than +44 he thought he was bigger than Money Inc, just look where that left him Josh. Beaten!

And come this Sunday at TNA's Sacrifice. A place I don't like to venture very often. To the other side if you will. I have an specific contract here with XWT WWE and I don't even get paid to go to TNA shows but I will. This sunday me and Silver go one on one against Baillie and the guy whole stole my numbers Dhruv '44' and there will be one hell of a fight!

Get it
Got it
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