What's on your Ctrl+V?

1.. Intracranial metastases. Indications.
2.. Intracranial meningiomas
3.. Brain ischemia. Cause, therapy modalities
4.. Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in adults
5.. Intracranial aneurysms: treatment modalities
6.. Subarrachnoid hemorrhagy: aneurysm and AVM. Clinical signs and management
7.. Inflammatory intracranial deseases (bacterial meningitis, brain abscess)
8.. Cranial fractures. CSF leak. Carotido-cavernous fistula.
9.. Spinal cord syndromes
10.. Principles of stereotactic surgery, indications (extrapyramidal deseases).
11.. Peripheral nerves injury: classification, nerve regeneration, surgery timing.
12.. Surgery of pain.
13.. Gamma knife. Principle, indications.
14.. Prevention of secondary spinal cord damage. Indicatins for urgent decompression
15.. Peripheral nerves entrapment syndromes. Peripheral nerves tumors
16.. Cervical spine degeneration, its consequencies for neural structures. Indications
17.. Trigeminal neuralgia. Clinical signs, therapy
18.. Gliomas ( classification, symptoms, diagnosis, therapy).
19.. Surgical approaches to the brain and spinal cord
20.. Brain edema: types, therapy
21.. Epidural (extradural) hematoma
22.. Difuse brain injury: relation of concussion and DAI
23.. Acute and chronic subdural hematoma.
24.. Brain herniation syndromes.
25.. Injury of LE nerves: clinical signs
26.. Tumors of the 4th ventricle and cerebellum in adults (glioma, ependymoma, hemangioblastoma).
27.. Congenital anomalies ( Chiari malformation, craniosynosthosis, meningocele encephalo/myelo meningocele ).
28.. Injury of UE peripheral nerves: clinical signs
29.. Degeneration of lumbar spine. Signs, indications of surgical therapy
30.. Infratentorian tumors in childhood
31.. Cauda equina tumors. Clinical signs, diagnostics.
32.. Brain contusion and traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage.
33.. Spinal tumores. Classification, clinical signs, indications
34.. Injury of spine and spinal cord
35.. Principles of epilepsy surgery.
36.. Acoustic neuroma
37.. Classification of closed brain injury
38.. Hydrocephalus. Classification, symptoms, diagnostic tests, therapy
39.. Sellar tumors.
40.. Consciousness, evaluation
41.. Lumbar radicular syndromes. Neurogenic claudications. Cauda equina syndrome
42.. Cervical radicular syndromes. Cervical myelopathy
=IF(LEN(B3)<4,TEXT(REPT(0,4-LEN(B3))& B3,"000"),"Invalid data after hyphen")

clunky Excel formula
an eternal loyalist: (00:16) 2450550 | 153159.40 [Khazur-Fission-55247]
Zyco 298141 | 18633.81
Khazur 213923 | 13370.19
Gerick 213502 | 13343.88
Cuttles 191853 | 11990.81
Iphoeh 181389 | 11336.81
Motoko 158408 | 9900.50
Fozzie 146708 | 9169.25
Oxoc 144074 | 9004.63
Efour 143034 | 8939.63
Baradhir 136890 | 8555.63
Leafkin 107940 | 6746.25
Vabahtaja 107188 | 6699.25
Gorefather 88936 | 5558.50
Kesara 83956 | 5247.25
Noobs 79645 | 4977.81
Aldhissla 71372 | 4460.75
Ecosku 46247 | 2890.44
Martyy 17424 | 1089.00
Moadib 12480 | 780.00
Slamps 4393 | 274.56
Slampan 3047 | 190.44
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