What's the longest/furthest trip you've taken?

5 Nov 2010
What's the longest/furthest trip you've taken on 2 wheels?

Reason I ask is that my friends are thinking of going to the Isle of Lewis in the summer...and my mate with a GS said we should go on bike!

Sound brilliant but although my bike GSX650F is comfortable and a great all-rounder, it's no GS. We're talking 600+ miles to get there. Not sure my bum will last that long!
Germany every year for the annual 'Ring trip for me, we go via a nice scenic route through France, Belgium and up through Germany. It's probably twice as long as it needs to be (in terms of mileage) but there are awesome roads every year.
to the shop n back:D

wales lots n lots,wanna go Scotland,aint been abroad yet

your bum will get sore no matter what bike your ride imo,can ease the pain by stopping/tea break regular
About 50 miles for my DAS. :p
Only passed recently and the weather has been dire, spring meet will comfortably be my longest.

Ridden further on my mountain bike thinking about it!
I did just under 1,000 miles in 2 days on my Multistrada 1200S. I went from Reading to Gent, but a LONGGGGG way. Headed east along northern France then came back on my self to Gent.

Loved it. Easily done. Will be doing MUCH longer trips in the next couple of months.

Previous to that, several hundred miles without a sweat on a 1098S to Wales a couple of times.
I've done nearly 400 miles one weekend around wales on my ZX6R easy! And you complain about your GSX650F!

Going to the Ring this August on it too.
I've done nearly 400 miles one weekend around wales on my ZX6R easy! And you complain about your GSX650F!

Not complaining yet :D but It's over 600 miles just to get there. Will be about 1500 in total over a weekend lol.

My butt aches after about 90mins, that's all I know for the GSXF at the moment. Will be stopping 3 times at least, will walk around and try not to sit down at the services :p
Llanberis to Bristol 250-300 miles. Didn't go direct route, strong winds so avoided motorways as much as possible, didn't enjoy it at all.
Will hire a car this year.
Do you mean in a day or in a trip? I've done a few 2-3000 mile trips over a week or so. Longest single day was about 550 miles on a Blackbird, but I've spent longer in the saddle on twister slower routes on the GS - about 14 hours was the longest I think.
Do you mean in a day or in a trip? I've done a few 2-3000 mile trips over a week or so. Longest single day was about 550 miles on a Blackbird, but I've spent longer in the saddle on twister slower routes on the GS - about 14 hours was the longest I think.

In a day, 1 journey really with little bum rest.

The meet in April will be the longest so far, but nowhere near this trip in the summer. So i will be able to see what it's like for longer journeys.
Plymouth to Isle of Man, taking a very scenic route through Wales so probably 300 miles to the docks in Liverpool. Off up to Scotland this year with any luck, considering starting from Lands End and going all the way to the top.
1500 miles around Scotland in 5 days on my Speed Triple. No sore bum issues whatsoever.
Same here... except I was on a 650 Dragstar.
The key is regular stops and not rushing. We generally stopped every 2 hours or 120 miles (whichever was soonest), mainly for coffee and ciggie breaks, but we always took a good 20 minutes to stretch out.
I did about 2500 miles over 2 weeks last summer heading down to and around the Alps. Was on a tiny street triple r loaded up with topbox, tank bag and tent on the back seat.

As others have said just take it easy and take regular stops, your neck will get stronger after the first day or two :p

On the way down and up I stopped at Djoin so about 400 mile days max. There was a heatwave when I headed down so was having to stop every 70-80 miles to pour water down my back and soak a net-tube, was close to getting heatstroke on the first day as well but it's all fun :)
I done about 2500 a couple of years ago on my RF6 around France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Belgium and back through France.
Worst day was Calais to Millau on Toll roads which was about 550 miles in 150 - 180 mile stints. Never again!!

I find that I ache less on twisty roads than on motorways.
Not nearly long enough. Hopefully John O' Groats and back over a few days in the summer though which is 600 miles each way.

Wonder how my trusty Hornet will hold up :D. CANNOT wait to get it back from insurance, especially now with the weather getting better.
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