Whats the longest time you've went without gaming.

When I sold the PC I probably went about a year, until I bought a Mac and PS3 :cool:
Never really got into gaming until the 360, played Champ Manager on the PC and football games so that was it. When I first got the 360 I had odd months without playing on it due to football commitments etc, not playing as much now so usually on the 360 most days.
ic1male said:
Probably a month for me when I was overseas on hols. Don't really miss gaming that much these days. It was the Internet I was missing. Just one or two days without it and I feel sick! :lol

Won't be taking the Xbox 360 or the HDTV with me to university as I doubt I'll have time to play them, so they'll be flogged nearer the time. I'll probably miss Halo 3, GTA:IV, Mass Effect, Condemned 2. Aaaagh. I'll be gutted. I'll get over it though, I'm sure.
Lots of guys have consoles in their dorm room just make friends and then play on theirs if you really want to play those games
ic1male said:
Probably a month for me when I was overseas on hols. Don't really miss gaming that much these days. It was the Internet I was missing. Just one or two days without it and I feel sick! :lol

Won't be taking the Xbox 360 or the HDTV with me to university as I doubt I'll have time to play them, so they'll be flogged nearer the time. I'll probably miss Halo 3, GTA:IV, Mass Effect, Condemned 2. Aaaagh. I'll be gutted. I'll get over it though, I'm sure.

when you come back you buy all that kit back at a rockbottom price. look at it like that :)
For me it was about 297 days.
I was going on a years travel around the world back in.... 2003/4 I think, across S E Asia and all that. I had just bought a ( then ) gaming laptop and i was fully intending on taking it with me so I could play UT and what not whilst traveling. Then I thought about it and did not take it, as to travel the world you want be light and quick, not dragging around laptops, cases, ac convertors etc. So my nightly frag fest addiction was broken !
I did though manage to get to play in some Vietnam cyber game cafes, playing CS with loads of kids and getting wiped, those were the days!

These days, having borrowed my m8's 360 ( yes mine is still being repaired ) to play Forza 2 and Guitar Hero 2 I still want to play em everynight - not that I get to!

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