Whats the worst gig you've seen?

stoofa said:
I bought Robbie Williams tickets for my fiancee - so we'll be seeing him later this year from the Golden Circle at MK Bowl.

Now I'm not expecting that to be the greatest concert I've ever been to, however only because I'm not too keen on his work.
From what I have seen of him he is good in concert so as "a concert" I expect it to be very good.
It can only be a "worst gig" contender to me as it is not somebody I'd naturally choose to go and see.

I reckon after you've seen him live you'll be posting in this thread -
Theres no doubt he is a great showman.
Carzy said:
Fixed :p

Circa are awesome. Check out Saosin if you like them.

And yes, Thrice are bloody awful live.

Ahh, sorry - first time I'd ever even heard of them at the Coheed gig, and I don't have any CDs or owt :(

Carzy said:
Fixed :p

Circa are awesome. Check out Saosin if you like them.

And yes, Thrice are bloody awful live.
Saosin are the lose, man.

The Sound of Animals Fighting though, now that's the way to go.
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