What's the worst thing you did because of a game?

Things people do... :D

Years ago 'when I were a wee lad' I started working for the Civil Service but I got so hooked up in Elite Frontier on my Amiga that I didn't turn up for work for 2 weeks. Needless to say my P45 come through the post not long after... I just hope Braben does not do the same thing to me again!
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I witnessed one night at a mates house, while playing streetfighter 2 on hardest setting and kept getting beat. He bit the controller and threw the controller at the TV! I just cracked up laughing, let me say it didn't help matters :D :D :D i'm laughing now just thinking about it :D
......worst / best?

...runnin around school making the counterstrike running sounds, opening doors with a creeeeaaak........silencing the teachers......

all this with Mr JonnyG

trips to the library are never boring now
Is my house the only one that has overflow's on the sinks and bathtubs?! :confused:

Worst I have done is turn my pizza black (completely charred) whilst playing CS waiting for it to cook.

Violence wise I have been through the front of the case on my old 486 when I lost to the final boss on Jurassic Park (he had 1 pixel of health left and I was still on my first life :()
beat the living daylights out of my keyboard and a joypad in one day and lets say they werent of any use after :p , one tip though buy cheap keyboards its better in the long run or go on anger management therapy :D .
Originally posted by GM@N
I witnessed one night at a mates house, while playing streetfighter 2 on hardest setting and kept getting beat. He bit the controller and threw the controller at the TV! I just cracked up laughing, let me say it didn't help matters :D :D :D i'm laughing now just thinking about it :D

I am laughing now just thinking about it, "he bit the controller"!!!
back when I'd just finished half life, I was one of those 'turn corner, quick save' people.. still am in fact.

Anyway, once when I was about to do something quite difficult, I can't remeber what now, I remeber thinking to my self, and then stopping my self quickly:

'ok, I may get this wrong, so I'll just quicksave and..... ' :O. Why is there no quicksave in real life :(
If the water flow is faster than what the overflow can handle it's just tough. Hence one flooded bathroom ;)
hmm.. went to the shops with the mrs once- after a night of playing cs- and ended up telling her to cover the steps while I take the ramp- in my defence she had been playing online with me the night before- and I was trying to get her used to using voice comms...

er.. stayed up until about 10 to 4 last night trying out the different maps and stuff on CS:S- feel crud today- didn't realise the time had gone so quickly.
Originally posted by GM@N
I witnessed one night at a mates house, while playing streetfighter 2 on hardest setting and kept getting beat. He bit the controller and threw the controller at the TV! I just cracked up laughing, let me say it didn't help matters :D :D :D i'm laughing now just thinking about it :D

I had to laugh at that, the exact same situation happened to me (had a real problem with Vega) when I was about 13/14. Except I was the one biting the controller and throwing it at the TV, with my mates laughing at me, infact they still laugh when its brought up. All my SNES controllers still have bite marks in them!
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Nothing too severe really... Back in the days when I was playing Delta Force a lot I'd end up typing Y before every IM I sent someone on MSN etc so it'd end up 'yhow're you?''.

I've never broken anything, but I've come to the conclusion that SNES pads must be built of something fairly indestructible as I threw it down a lot during the Mario/Donkey Kong/Mario Kart years.

Nowadays the worst I'll do is throw the PS2 controller onto the bed, or have a bit of a shout/swear.

Glad I don't drive as in the GT2 days I'd be in the passenger seat wondering why the driver wasn't taking proper racing lines through corners :)
I broke 2 gameboys on my head because I got to the last level of Bart Sipsons camp deadly and when I died I couldnt save the game. Also at a mates we were playing Tony Hawks and the grill caught fire bigtime. His Mum wasnt best impressed.:p
in the snes days I decided to go round to my mates house to play starfox on jap import instead of meeting up with an old "friend" to have sex...a mistake that has haunted me for years as I never saw her again!
Ive stayed up all night waiting for a patch to be released, and it was well worth it after all that!:D :o

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