What's the worst thing you did because of a game?

Punched my younger brother in the face because he turned off my computer, gave him a nose bleed. I hadnt saved my Eye of the Beholder game and lost 6 hours of experience :D
Stuck in Year 2 of Uni for the last 3 years! :( . I hate these game developers.. they release good games during Sep-Jan period and thats the period when you have to study really hard. :mad: .
Chucklin like hell at some of these posts which are all so true to do with games.

With me and even now ill do it is i dont half chuck some choice language at the monitor/tv if a game is really getting on me nips and theres a certain rock hard level.

Ninja gaiden great game it is when u first go through it had me calling stuff at the level 7 boss alma that u wouldnt call your worst enemy lmao then sometimes trying to squeeze and crush the xbox pad(in vain of course rofl) but thinkin of some of the comments ive made really do make me laff thinking about em lmao.:D
i had a faulty playstation, and Driver the original kept crashing in the middle of missions i was trying to complete, kinda punched/smashed the top of it, playstation was fine (well, ish :p) but the driver cd was snapped in half, oops :p

sold the playstation to a mate, for a tenner, at the time they were worth a good £150, so he got a bargain and i did inform him of the problems :p
Remember the good old days with dodgy power cables falling out of the back of your ZX Spectrum just as you were about to beat your personal best in Daley Thompson's Decathalon or whatever game you were playing?

Well I decided to solder my power cable in to stop this happening - only problem was the head on the ribbon cable that connected the keyboard up snapped whilst doing this. I quickly found an alternative used for the soldering iron and ran it across all the chips and circuitry on the Spectrum. Never did work again properly - but you certainly got some funky psychedelic colours on screen when you switched it on! ;)
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i was showing the missus my skills on thief and she did seem fairly interested in learning the moves. I then had to work away for a night and when i came back i found her in a heap in the bed room during the afternoon on my return. Not too surprising as it was a weekend but when quizzed about her rabbit on the bedside table, she owned up to getting very frustrated with the zoombies near the final stages that she had to resort to 2 hour destress with her battery powered friend.

what a cheek!!!
Originally posted by wmb
Remember the good old days with dodgy power cables falling out of the back of your ZX Spectrum just as you were about to beat your personal best in Daley Thompson's Decathalon or whatever game you were playing?

Say wmb i used to have the old zx spectrum all those years ago with bashing the two keys like an idiot alternatively for more and more speed in the 100m lol but did u do what we always used to do to get "just" that bit more speed and get a greasy crisp packet, stick it over the two keys you used on your rubber speccy keyboard so u could go that bit faster and hit the end of the red speed bar like we did by rubbin ya finger across the crisp packet frantically rofl!.:D
I killed a monitor after playing NFS:UG.

I gave my old 17" IBM G70 a nice shove into the wall in a fit of rage, only to be presented with a nice show of sparks, smoke and flames :eek:
I regularly use game sayings in real life 'roger' 'copy that' and I will do anything to get out of going out so I can play Tactical Ops online....Currently started playing Rome: Total War....this isn't gonna be fun :<
Originally posted by ASH1982
When I have got really into a game I have blow off plans with mates, avoided nights out, set my alarm really early to get up and get a good run at a game and ermmmm run up massiiiivveeeee electric bills:rolleyes:
You mean you went to sleep at all! ;)
I know playing eve online last year i went for 12 hours stints non stop without removing myself from the machine. Was quite dangerous thinking back. Stopped playing now though.
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