Whats your BMI?

Says im over weight, to be honest I am a bit, but its trying to tell me to be "normal" I have to go down to a weight I havent been since I was 15 (which is around 14 stone), I am 6'2" and of a resonable muscular build and I would look wrong at that weight. I am looking to get to around 15 stone in the next few weeks/month, I am currently hovering around the 16-16.5 mark.

So in my opinion BMI is utter DELETED - READ THE FAQ.

25.5 here, so classed as overweight, but I'm not (low amount of fat everywhere (apart from on stomach :/), and quite a bit of muscle) :)

(currently 6 ft, 188 lb)
BMI means very little without a body fat percentage anyway. I'm by no means overweight by any stretch of the imagination. Though according to my bmi which is 26.8 I'm "overweight" which is frankly rubbish. I'm 6'1" and 203lbs (14st 7lbs).

Take those readings with a pinch of salt - without knowing your body fat % it means very little.
26.6, it says here. I'm officially a porker :D

(all muscle, innit)

5'9 and 180lbs/12st 12lbs


I think we need pictures of guts to compare as well. Here's mine, rar


*waits for no other bugger to be man enough to post their gut*
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193cm 90kg BMI=24.2

Not overweight and apparently healthy. Tell that to my man boobs, I won't pretend I'm 'muscular' :D ;)
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