What's your buttons?

29 Jun 2004
We're PC gamers. I don't think everyone plays with a hoypad or default game controls. So when in FPS, what are your key strokes?

Up - Walk up
Down - Walk down
Left - Strafe left
Right - Strafe right
< - Lean left
> - Lean right
Right big shift - jump
[ - Weapon up
] - Weapon down
# - throw grande
' - melee
; - reload
/ - crouch

Anyone else care to share theirs? :)
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WASD for moving

shift - crouch
crtl - prone
space - jump
F - use/enter vehicle/open doors
R - reload
Q - lean left
E - lean right
B - Torch/Flashlight
V - Sprint
Mouse wheel - zoom in/out

Pretty much use this combination for all the FPS games ive pld

sof, sof2, ET, BF2, css
Ctrl Left - Crouch
Spacebar - Jump
Enter - Action
W - forward
S - backward
A - strafe left
D - strafe right
Shift - Sprint
backshift - reload
Q - Lean left OR prev weapon
E - Lean right OR next weapon

Left button - fire
scroll - zoom OR change weapon
Right button - secondary fire

Used this or similar to this for Fear / BF2 and a slightly different config for GTA S:A.
Up - Forward
Down - Backward
Left - Strafe Left
Right - Strafe Right
Space - Jump
Ctrl - Crouch
E - Use
R - Reload
F - Flash Light
; - Drop weapon
Enter - switch to last weapon
[ - Previous weapon
] - Next Weapon
Shift - Walk
Fire - Left mouse button
Alt Fire - Right mouse button
Scroll - cycle through weapons.
W = forward
S = backward
A = step left
D = step right
Q = lean left
E = lean right
R = reload
Space = jump
Shift = crouch
LMB = fire
RMB = scope/alt fire
mouse wheel = zoom/weapon select
F = interact with object
2 = weapon select up if im using wheel to zoom
3 = weapon select down " " " "

i hardly move my hand like that :D my hand will naturally rest on w, a, d, shift and space
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i play both WASD and arrow keys, i usually have it dual control so if someone else wants to play its ok for them

then ctrl for crouch, middle mouse for jump and page down for prone
wasd, I used to me an arrows man untill i made the switch was hard to adjust at first but wll worth it in the long run you have more keys to assig at your disposal :)
Phnom_Penh said:
Up - Forward
Down - Backward
Left - Strafe Left
Right - Strafe Right
Space - Jump
Ctrl - Crouch
E - Use
R - Reload
F - Flash Light
; - Drop weapon
Enter - switch to last weapon
[ - Previous weapon
] - Next Weapon
Shift - Walk
Fire - Left mouse button
Alt Fire - Right mouse button
Scroll - cycle through weapons.

Have 3 hands?
Kreeeee said:
Have 3 hands?
No, but I'm 1.5x faster than you :p

Really, I had (Untill it broke about three weeks ago) a laptop, and having big hands and a small keyboard means the keys are a lot closer together than with a normal keyboard ;). + I'm a leftie.
I'm an arrows man because I use the mouse in my left hand. It gets a bit crowded down there, but I use all the buttons that I can possibly reach.
I think it's nicer too, as you can sort of 'rest' your fingers on the empty plastic area above them - if you're only pressing forward, or not pressing any of them. Whereas on WASD you seem to be left resting/hovering your fingers on/over the keys. I dunno, it's a small thing.
eXSBass said:
We're PC gamers. I don't think everyone plays with a hoypad or default game controls. So when in FPS, what are your key strokes?

Up - Walk up
Down - Walk down
Left - Strafe left
Right - Strafe right
< - Lean left
> - Lean right
Right big shift - jump
[ - Weapon up
] - Weapon down
# - throw grande
' - melee
; - reload
/ - crouch

Anyone else care to share theirs? :)

Have you got absolutely huge hands?
or a small keyboard?
directions keys are too far away for that to be a comfortable setup surely?
likewise Phnom_Penh

I use a basic WASD setup, and map whatever usefull functions like melee atack, prone etc to my mouse :)
prone spam in BF2 with thumb button :)
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