What's your buttons?

W - Walk up
S - Walk down
A - Strafe left
D - Strafe right
q- Lean left
e - Lean right
Space - jump
c - crouch
x -prone
f - use vehicle/enter
r - reload

leftm button -shoot
rightm button -secondary fire
middle mouse - melee
mwheel down - Weapon up
mwheel up - Weapon down
PinkFloyd said:
Have you got absolutely huge hands?
or a small keyboard?
directions keys are too far away for that to be a comfortable setup surely?
likewise Phnom_Penh

no, he just doesnt use a mouse!
I'm a bit wierd, but:

s - Forward
x - Back
z - Strafe Left
c - Strafe Right
Space - Use
M1 - Fire
M2 - Reload
Shift Secondary Fire
d - jump
f - crouch
w - sprint
a - prone
q - lean left
e - lean right
G-MAN2004 said:
I definitely recommend getting a Zboard. It's soooo much easier to play games.
The buttons are placed around the movement buttons perfectly.
I don't think its price is justified. It looks a mess being part o a keyboard
I do quite the look of the "Wolfclaw Devour Gamepad" which is seperate and seems to be on par.
QWES For Moving.

Q - Left
W - Up
E - Right
S - Down
Space - Jump
C - Crouch

Doesn't apply for car games as I use arrows.

Games such as LFS

A - Shift Up
Z - Down
X - Clutch
Space - Handbrake
WASD - Moving
Q - lean left
E - lean right
F - Activate
1/2 - Weapon Switch
R - Reload
4/ Middle Mouse - Smoke Nade
H - Weapon Menu
Ctrl - Crouch toggle
Shift - Prone toggle
Space - Jump/ Stance up
Caps Lock - Breathe/ Bash
Tab - Score board
Left click - Fire
Right Click - Scope
Phnom_Penh said:
No, but I'm 1.5x faster than you :p

Really, I had (Untill it broke about three weeks ago) a laptop, and having big hands and a small keyboard means the keys are a lot closer together than with a normal keyboard ;). + I'm a leftie.
so you used the directional arrow but still the normal e for use etc?
WASD is for noobs ;)

Arrow keys for forward/back/strafe
Shift - Jump
Ctrl - Duck
Enter - Reload

and ; / ' / # / , / . / ? vary between games for nades etc
WASD and whatever defults...

css i use:

p = buy
o/i ammo primary/secondary
u = the grenades page :D

annoys me SO MUCH if i play on someone elses rig, GRAH. Everyone should use this imo.

deagle ak/m4 ammo and nades/arm

[Yes i just spam u and numbers, buys what i want xD]


y for talk
u team talk
v mic /teamspeak and skype are voice activation
z/x/c radio :)
space jump
ctrl crouch
shift walk
tab probably 60% held on while gaming :P
mouse wheel quick scroll
e use
q quick switch preffer mouse wheel though as i can scroll throguh a full turn and susually get the weapon i desire if i know my setup of weaps/nades :)
- admin button :D

now i keep using guildwars defults while playing css, trying to bring a map up and such.. -.-
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WASD for monement
Left Alt for crouch
Left Shift for walk (lol as if!)

Left Mouse for fire
Right mouse for jump
Space for zoom

Absolutely every other key for railgun :D
depending on the game but roughly i use (on the old design keypad):
home, forward
end, back
delete/page down, strafe
insert, crouch
pageup, jump
arrow keys for stance and lean's
backspace to speed toggle
kp_slash for drop weapon
kp_ins for alt fire
then the rest of the kp_ keys for anything else i need..
oh and x,c,v for reload/melee/pistol and they are bound to my mouse.

the Wolfclaw has intrested me too.. i get on well with the above key method because i can 'feel' my way to the right key that bit easier and these Wolfclaw devices, many key's have a distinct shape which should in theory help even more.
Left shift -Crouch
Left Ctrl - Prone
Space - jump
F - use (cod2)
C-bash (cod 2)
Q -lean left (cod 2), Quick switch weapons (CS)
E - lean right (cod 2)

thats it i think
Duke said:
WASD is for noobs ;)

Arrow keys for forward/back/strafe
Shift - Jump
Ctrl - Duck
Enter - Reload

and ; / ' / # / , / . / ? vary between games for nades etc

lol its wasd for a reason ! best use of key space I used arrows when I was noob , left arrow for left ,etc etc
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