What’s your favourite toast topping?



Actual toast with jam and butter, vs fake toast & jam.
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Nicely browned toast done under the grill. Lots of Anchor salted butter. Like @sharp72 I also love some Dairylea, but with some Branston small chunk pickle on the top of that.
Shropshire Blue cheese, not had it in ages though, so as a result of this thread I will be visiting Asda tomorrow.
This all depends on the quality of the toast. If its sourdough good bread then just some butter as you want to taste the bread. If its hovis then jam as you dont want to taste it.

Very much this, and it changes from brand to brand with me, though generally speaking Marmite can save almost any slice.

Big fan of Peanut Butter and Marmite (still waiting for royalties from Marmite for that idea...). Will sometimes reach for the Nutella or the jams. All depends on the butter really.

I echo the egg calls. Not much better and a great quick dinner if you need to get something down your neck.
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I'd forgotten about marmite and peanut butter - might have to give that a go soon :D

It's a revelation! Though I wouldn't buy the pre-prepared jarred stuff as I found the ratio completely off - too little marmite and I'm someone who uses it quite sparingly.

My dad is a real flavor hound and has Jam AND Marmite on a piece... this is the man who used to have bran flake and sugar sandwiches though...
2 slices, one marmite and the other either a nice strawberry jam or crunchy peanut butter. None of that smooth muck thank you very much!
Nice honey for me for breakfast

For lunch with Heinz beans with a good dollop of butter mixed in.
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My mates family used to have:

Toast, with tea poured over it with a sprinkling of sugar.

They all used to have it and love it, never heard of a thing like that before. Apparently it came from a generational thing in their family who hailed from Sunderland.
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