Whats your Game of the Year so far?

23 Mar 2011
Like to ask to see what people have enjoyed and maybe find something i may have missed.

So far, though i havent played near as much as i wish i could, i would have to say Overwatch. Something a bit more unique in the shooter space and by all accounts its doing amazingly well for blizzard.

In terms on single player, would be Dark Souls 3 for me. Not the best in the series for me, but certainly a refinement of everything they have done in the past including elements from bloodborne making it a great package.

Due to having a baby this year i have yet to replay it, usually i jump straight in trying other builds etc! Dlc is coming so maybe then!
Witcher 3 Blood and wine, okay not a game per say, but more fleshed out and lengthy then plenty of full games on the market.

Having said that, can see myself sinking hours into Civ 6 having already put a few hours in.
Surprisingly Rise of the Tomb Raider for me. Just felt like a really well rounded and polished game which I enjoyed from start to finish.
I haven't played many, if any 2016 titles, but the game I've enjoyed the most has been Legend of Grimrock 2.

Edit: just remembered I've played Doom - which is the only 2016 title I've bought... I think. Excellent game, but in terms of overall enjoyment I think LOG2 pips it at the finishing line for me.
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Witcher 3 Blood and wine, okay not a game per say, but more fleshed out and lengthy then plenty of full games on the market.

Having said that, can see myself sinking hours into Civ 6 having already put a few hours in.

Exactly the same for me, Blood and Wine without doubt, and as you say it may be an add-on but there is more content than most full games.

Also early days with Civ VI but that could be up there for me as well

Also really enjoyed Doom.

Edit - Oops forgot Overwatch. Great fun, played loads and still enjoying it.
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I only played Overwatch beta but thats still probably more fun than the other games i bought this year, when a few more of my friends start playing ill have to get a copy my self. I just dont wanna load up the blizzard app cause i know ill get dragged back into WoW, Diablo and Heroes.

Division seems a little dull but im only at low level (15-20ish), im sure it will get more exciting at higher levels when theres more tactics involved other than spamming a boss in the head with a sniper and blowing up a few barrels etc.
I want to get in to blood and wine and i agree it counts as a game in my eyes, probably not for the official voting at the end of the year but who cares!

Problem im having is its been so long since i finished w3 that going back for the addons the whole game feels impenatrable :( forgot what everything does and the general flow of combat! Hoped the dlcs would offer a refresher tutorial especially when it gives you a blank slate character with like 40 points to spend!

Will give it another go though as W3 was my goty last year
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