Whats your guitar amp?

nooo not all pedals are sin!! there are some really great pedals around that can really spice up your amps tone...

are you telling me original TubeScreamers are a sin?? tsk tsk.... there are some good pedals honest!
Docaroo said:
nooo not all pedals are sin!! there are some really great pedals around that can really spice up your amps tone...

are you telling me original TubeScreamers are a sin?? tsk tsk.... there are some good pedals honest!

Tubescreamer = awesome

Keeley Original Tube screamer mod = heaven in a pedal
Keeley DS-1 = hell in a pedal :D
I use the following:

Marshall JCM2000 TSL100 Head

2x12 Mesa Boogie Cab
http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Guitar Cabinets/LgrRIGHT-Cabs/2x12Rect-LG.jpg

Pros: It sounds wonderful and is also loud as hell
Cons: There are none for me, I love it!

Marshall original Valvestate series 8240 - 2x40w combo.

Great for practising by upping the master volume and bringing the boost volume down - then reverse the configuration for awesome live grunt. Plenty of headroom over any drums.

Pros: all of the above. Proper marshall sound from a valve in the preamp, and works at all volumes.
Cons: no headphone socket :confused:

I pretty much play my les paul clean through that, using the footswitch to go between channels (the chorus is only used on my own as it sounds crap live). My other box of tricks is an mxr microamp which manages to boost the tone without distorting it, as if you'd just turned the volume up on the amp for your solos :) much recommended, £90 in the shops, £40 from US sellers on ebay if you look.

SidewinderINC said:
<3 MXR Pedals & USA Ebayers :D

I know, it was basically half price, delivered, from the other side of the world. Thank god for a strong pound ;)

Admittedly I did use the high street shop's services to try it out first before I then bought it online ... :o
sist_si said:
I use the following:

Marshall JCM2000 TSL100 Head

2x12 Mesa Boogie Cab
http://www.mesaboogie.com/Product_Info/Guitar Cabinets/LgrRIGHT-Cabs/2x12Rect-LG.jpg

Pros: It sounds wonderful and is also loud as hell
Cons: There are none for me, I love it!

Very interesting set-up.

First of all, why did you choose the TSL over something like a recto? Secondly, why the 2x12 cab? I have heard they give a better sound than the 4x12, is that true?

What sort of stuff do you play?
I have a Marshall JCM 900 2x12 50 watt combo.

It's a Marshall
Two channels are useful
More portable than a stack

It's not a JCM800
It doesn't have the scorching distortion you might want.

I also own a mid 1960s Vox AC15 twin (2x12). Sadly, this has been with the previous owner for repair for 3 years now (he swapped it with me for a Laney LC15). He's a bit of a know all on hand wired valve technology, repairs valve radios etcetera. Sadly, he's also incredible lazy, so i might have to go around, pick it up, and sell it. It must be worth a few bob.

If i were to get rid, and buy a new amp, i'd go (almost certainly) for the Peavy 5150 (or whatever they changed its name to). It just has the best natural distortion i've ever had the pleasure of hearing.
Tweek_1984 said:
I have heard they give a better sound than the 4x12, is that true?

It's unreasonable to say that a 2x12 gives a 'better' sound than a 4x12. The tone itself shouldn't be overly different than a 4x12, it's likely due to the larger size of a 4x12 enclosure that the tone would have more bottom end than that of a 2x12.

The practicalities of having a 2x12 such as the lesser weight, whilst still retaining a full bodied tone over something like a 1x12" amp are the usual reasons people choose them, not to mention freeing up some space :)
Andelusion said:
It's unreasonable to say that a 2x12 gives a 'better' sound than a 4x12. The tone itself shouldn't be overly different than a 4x12, it's likely due to the larger size of a 4x12 enclosure that the tone would have more bottom end than that of a 2x12.

The practicalities of having a 2x12 such as the lesser weight, whilst still retaining a full bodied tone over something like a 1x12" amp are the usual reasons people choose them, not to mention freeing up some space :)

a lot of bands use the 2x12 over the full cabinet though. I mean, I don't know, I'm just stating what I've heard/read/seen.

Off the top of my head, I think Zack Wylde used to play a marshall cab with only two celestions in it. Maybe this applies to all cabs?

I think Tom Delonge of Blink 182 was using a 2x12 mesa cab to power a further two full cab units. Why would he do this?

Maybe I'm talking utter cow poo? :p
more speakers = more air getting pushed = slightly louder and a bit more in the low end.

Really there is not much difference at all, many MANY bands use 2x12's 1x12's or even small combos to mic up when playing live - a lot of the time when you see big rows of 4x12's linedup at the back of the stage they are there for show!

It's what sounds best, and when you mic up a guitar amp it's not always about raw volume, because the PA takes care of that!

I remember seeing Helloween playing at QMU in Glasgow and being the guitar geek I am noticed that each guitarist had a small combo/ 1x12 cab at the side of the stage which was mic'd up!! they also had 2 or 3 4x12 cabs each beside the drummer - not mic'd up! These are part of "stage decoration" and the sound came from the small 1x12 :)
Got rid of my Ashdown Fallen Angel 60w 2x12" at the end of 2006. Nice amp, but really needed to crank it to get the gain, so really wasn't getting a good tone out of it at home. I moved on to my second half stack, as the band I'm currently in, were picking up some gigs. I decided to go for a Marshall 1960A cab, to have something decent to back up any head I would chose in the future. Had to make do with a Line6 Spider II 75w head on there for 2 weeks, but once the funds came in; I got me a shiny new AVT150XH on there, which sings, and its four channels and (crap-ish) digital effects do me just fine for gigs (no extra pedals other than a TU-2 =]).

I have to say, I used to have an AVT50H a few years back, and I really think the AVT series of Marshall amps ROCK. I've played a whole bunch of JCM800/900/2000s both in music shops, and in rehearsal spaces and compared to these, the AVTs really hold their own. Sound good at low volumes too.

I was considering a Peavey Valve King Head. The combos sound amazing, but heard they don't hold up well over time. Maybe I'll get one later, but not before I get to proper try out a Marshall JVM - anyone played one yet??

Here's a pic of the current rig Marshall AVTXH150 + 1960A Cab.
My Soldano 20W Astroverb is my fave... but I have a new Fender '57 Deluxe on order which should be nice too.
If I was to go bigger it would be a Fender '57 Twin (the newer tweed one) or a Soldano SLO-100 for very bigger :D
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