I've recently spent a couple of days thinking about when I'm going fully electric. Came away from the research pretty unimpressed, probably not this year.
A bit of background. I have a 6.5 year old Skoda Yeti, 4x4 150 TDI, had since new and it's been the perfect car for my deep-rural location and two young children. The only negatives are the bills... servicing, timing belt 2020, new discs and pad '21 and the cost of the fuel, do around 8k a year. Both partner and I work from home pretty much exclusively so trips out are totally dominated by ~5 and ~10 mile round trips to school / nursery and maybe a weekly ~50 mile round trip to somewhere else. Only other driving is maybe four ~500 mile round trips a year spread over a week or so. Additionally we have 10kW of photovoltaic panels so most of our charging would be free.
First thought was to keep the Yeti in the garage, only use it fairly rarely on the long trips, in the snow/mud, when towing trailer etc. total miles maybe around the 4k mark and get a nice little EV runabout for local use... But the Citigo, VW Up etc aren't made any more and the 2nd hand price... HOW MUCH!? £20k+ or still £15k+ at 5 years old.
2nd thought, replace the Yeti with a larger EV. The MG ZS EV is a similar size as the Yeti, not as practical, doesn't feel as nice or well built, not 4x4, can only tow 500kg, pretty much a downgrade in every way, but has a decent battery etc. £30k though seem a bit much... and I kinda feel the Yeti is worth more to me than the ~£9k it might be worth now if I sold it. To get an EV vehicle that could like for like replace everything the Yeti does, is more like the Skoda Enyaq, Kia EV6 - but £45k+ that's well over double the price of the old diesel Yeti was new.
3rd thought, what about a PHEV? The 30-40 mile range is actually enough for 90% of the individual trips we do. There's a PHEV Octavia estate, but it's well over £30k and not available on the 4x4 version. The Toyota Rav4 AWD PHEV could fit the bill... £42k though? That's knocking on Kia EV6 money though!
I guess what I'd like as a little EV runaround, range of something like 50 miles, a Toyota Agyo, Skoda CitiGo type car - a 2nd car and keep the Yeti. But if keeping the Yeti I'd only want to spend £10k. 2nd hand first gen Leaf or Zoe maybe? The Leaf starts around £7k... but for the money it's 24kWh battery, it's 8-10 years old and 70k miles. Much life left in it? Going up to £10k and it's more like 5-6 years old and 50k miles.
4th thought - simply wait a year. Are we going to see smaller, cheaper EVs, suitable for 2nd car. Dacia Spring? Ora Cat? Will there be a smaller MG?