When did you last have a cold / Sniffle



28 Jul 2010
This may need a poll,

After yet another successful day in the office discussing football the topic came to colds....

Everyone said they have not had a cold since pre-covid....conspiracy or just people are washing their hands more..... you decide.
Ages. My Mum is currently suffering from a cold, so no doubt I'll be picking that up soon. Will be slightly ironic considering I work in a hospital and have regular contact with numerous patients on a daily basis and haven't had a single cough, sneeze or sniffle yet.
I haven’t had a cold for at least 3 years. I had bronchitis early this year, but haven’t had a cold for years.

I have flu jabs so I don’t get that either.
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Had covid back in March but didn't really feel much different to a cold. Maybe because I'd only had my booster jab 3 months previously. Before that my last cold was in May 2019.
Haven’t been ill in ages, maybe twice since covid began and just very mild colds. Probably been more ill from covid jabs / boosters than actually being ill.
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I am still fighting something from my chest for the past 8 weeks. All tests came back negative for covid. We all had it. Now I'm almost done with it, I get a cold lol.
Had a respiratory bug of some sort that wiped me out in late July, nothing on several LFTs. Had a few others over the pandemic despite only going indoors at work and ~90sec visits to Tesco Express, plus a handful of train trips.
End of September, but could have been Covid as I think I got it when going to see a band a week and a half prior. I'm sure I'll get loads more now the boss has requested we spend a day a week at the office for no reason.
One in April and one in September (after returning from Turkey and having been crammed into a metal tube twice and a small overcrowded cable car during the stay), neither of which I tested positive for Covid with. Both fairly mild. Bit of a cough, sneezes and a shiver or two in the first day or so.

Prior to these nothing more than half a sniff since before Covid hit.
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I seem to have had 2 colds in the last few weeks and have one now as it happens but i live with person who sneezes into their hands and doesn't wash them afterwards.
They touch everything and contaminate the house.
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