When did you last have an Alpha Male moment?

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Like when you stand up straight, chest out, hands on hips and nod approvingly for what you did?

Mine happened last night and I still feel good about it because of the money I saved.
Last Thursday my treadmill was going wrong and because I was foolish it went bang so Friday morning I rang the company and they said it would cost £144 +vat to get an 'Engineer' out plus the parts :eek:
Saturday morning I took it apart, took out the main control board and checked it with my magnifying glasses.
There was one visible blown component which was a Mo Resistor and it cost me 20p plus £6 p&p :) and it arrived yesterday.
I took the PCB from it's mounting and also noticed I'd blown a track so did a nice bit of soldering by joining the 3 legs with wires.
I fitted it into my treadmill, switched on and I was able to stand upright, chest out, hands on hips with my head nodding.

So when did you last feel Alpha?
Walked to the toilet with my head held high, chest out and arms straight down. Then proceeded to ****.
I had an alpha moment where I managed to go outside, get the shopping, do the washing up and then cook dinner for my dad all while I was very ill. I was like YEAH ILLNESS, YOU SHALL NOT BEAT ME
went out for a meal with friends this evening and my curry wasn't hot enough so i chopped up 6 chillis into it and it tasted divine. they were all struggling with their korma's.
went out for a meal with friends this evening and my curry wasn't hot enough so i chopped up 6 chillis into it and it tasted divine. they were all struggling with their korma's.

The restaurant were happy for you to bring your own chillies, board and knife then? :p
Today in the workshop, got 6 people to go in search of:
a glass hammer
a sky hook
chocolate box spanners
left handed screwdriver and a sparky arm punch, that went well :)
Fixing the water pump on my car, or most recently grilling an awesome Tritip BBQ for the 'rents and in-laws. :cool:
I got sent down to stores for a "long stand", but could I heck find one :( I was there ages, too.

£6 p&p for a 20p resistor? How?
About 3 hours ago I shoddily got a bit of aerial wire and "extended" my aerial because it was too near loads of other electrical's which were interfering and stopping me watching the footy.

Take that television reception, can't beat a bloke with a bit of wire and some wire cutters.
When I walked out of the toilet in work and said to one of my collegues going in "you might want to give that a few minutes"
Monday, Bt infinity guy made excuses and didn't install an extension cable, nor book a follow up appointment... So I decided to go pro alpha and threw caution to the wind. Got my 30m cable, took it from the downstairs front room, out of the window and up the wall, through the loft (killed some sort of giant wasp making a nest there while I was at it) and then made a hole in my room to route the cable through and down to my switch.

Best of all, the cables still in use since Bt are useless and cat give me a new date for an extension fitting yet. Its been rained on and everything.. still going fine! *touch wood*.
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