when do you think your`ll be 2 old for consoles.

i'm only a young whipper snapper compared to you old lot, but i'd like to think that i'll always have time for video games. i personally can't see myself ever getting bored of them, because there's so much variation. even if new games stop getting fun, there'll still be all the old ones i've always loved (Yoshi's island on the SNES is probably my most-played game of all time, closely followed by Animal Crossing DS :D). I'm loving all the attention that's being paid to handheld gaming at the moment, as i'm finding myself at home less and less recently, and it's really good to be able to game on the move.

the moment i can't fit gaming into my life anymore is the moment i become too old for them
I live with my grandparents and my grandad is a very big Final Fantasy fan and i bet he could do a lot better than most here on it. Hes completed Final Fantasy 3 all the way to 9, hes currently trying to finish 10 hes just killed omega weapon :) . As soon as he finishes a FF game he plays another one and he doesnt just speed through it he puts 100's of hours into it.

Oh yeah hes 63 this year and he cant wait for ff12 but ive just ruined his world by telling him the turn based battles are gone :p
40 here and been playing since the first great console invasion in the mid 70's, our first console was one my Dad had to assemble himself from a kit to play pong on, so I guess Never is the answer to your question!
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