When reading posts, do you read in an accent?

Visage said:
I tend to read them all in a slightly crazed South African Dutch/Afrikaans accent.

Think Joss ACkland in Lethal Weapon 2....

very off topic!! but thats made up my mind as to what film to watch tonight :D
I read them in my own accent however some joke posts which have a play on words often need an English accent to be put on so I can understand them.

If I find myself reading them in an English accent I kick myself in the face. The last thing I want to do is develop an English accent :eek:
Mikol said:
Was this post inspired by one of Ricky Gervais podcasts? Well, Karl Pilkington really, but they were discussing thoughts and whether they thought in their accents. Evidently, we all do. I think in my own voice, which clearly will be my accent.

My inner monolog (SP?) is actually an American accent, but I've lived in England so long I've been nicknamed 'Wills' because of my posh sothern accent.

Relating to the OP, I tend to read posts too fast to think about tha accent, this place is so busy I tend to end up scanning a lot.
Scuzi said:
......... I kick myself in the face.


Do you practice yoga? I cant kick any higher than my chest without doing myself an injury :p (nothing at all to do with being a fat **** ;) ).

Stan :)
At the risk of being boring, there are essentially three types of reading:

Out loud
Subvocalizing - like out loud, but supressed. You hear the text in a voice and probably twitch imperceptably in your throat.
Visual - the information goes straight in.

Visual reading is much faster (can be up to 1000wpm). It's possible to train yourself to read visually. I usually suggest counting out loud while you read. It can be hard to begin with, but you will end up reading more quickly.
Bigstan said:

Do you practice yoga? I cant kick any higher than my chest without doing myself an injury :p (nothing at all to do with being a fat **** ;) ).

Stan :)

I'm also a fat eejit but if I really try I can reach my face with my foot. It was more of a figure of speech than an actual action. I prefer the traditional pinch compared to a groin stretching yoga manoeuvre.
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