When using Voice chat programs do you use "Push to talk" ?

I use PTT and have it on mouse 3 (middle mouse) and have done since the early Ventrilo days. Doesn't hinder me in the slightest.

Each to their own :)

I guarantee that if you started using voice activation for a few weeks, you wouldn't go back to PTT (assuming you play competitive FPS etc)
Another PTT fan here.

Mainly due to using only in-game VoIP or Team Speak during tactical squad based shooters like BF2:PRM and ArmA where keeping squad and team comms noise to a minimum was vital.

I dare say that having a good headset and mic, I could have set up Vox just fine, but it never seem necessary after years of PTT use.

I'd probably go for Vox if I ever get involved in PUBG squads.
Voice activation here, if I start munching or have someone chatting in the background, i'll manually switch the microphone off.

However i've spent years getting my setting just right so it doesn't pick up keyboard clicks, my breathing or any other nearby ambient noises.
One problem is people using desktop and/or clip on mics and not knowing or caring how to set them up properly.

I mostly used voice activation but I also used a headset with rotate to mute on the mic so I could mute it at will - for some games PTT can be a disadvantage over properly setup voice activation but seems increasingly too many people are lazy and stupid and just leave the mic open or poorly setup voice activation.
I use PTT, it just feels more natural for me because it's what I used for years when managing fleet activities in EVE Online.

For the button press, I mostly use pedals (using flight sim rudder pedals as they're always under my feet anyway) and sometimes use a macro button on the side of my mouse as an additional option.
With the flight pedals being my natural foot rest, it means my PTT key is always pressed and then I just lift my foot if I need to mute myself.
I always have push to talk on...for a number of reasons.

Firstly, I am prone to saying things that I dont want the other players to hear.
Plus, the 2 eldest kids in our household make a hell of a lot of noise and generally have the TV turned up loud (the missus and I PCs are in the lounge)
Plus, our 2 absolutely bonkers Spaniels will howl and bark at the slightest noise, and nobody I'm playing with wants to keep hearing that.
I use PTT, it just feels more natural for me because it's what I used for years when managing fleet activities in EVE Online.

When I was doing for instance logi in Eve PTT wasn't really an option even the very slight delay and even just taking that momentary focus away to press another button could cost you ships in an intensive encounter with fast switching while they were testing tanks, etc.
Always used voice activation and probably will never change. Always struggle with PTT (either remembering to press it or it being somewhere awkward) in games so mostly don't bother talking to randoms. I do always ensure my noise gate is good and i have an inline mute and a mute bind on my mouse to prevent disturbances. I do miss the auto mute function when you raise the mic on my sennheiser headset.
nope voice activation for me but if the guys complained I'd move to PTT no problem.
open mics are a huge no no though nothing worse, banned a few off our Teamspeak server for that back in the day.

voice activation works well with discord IMHO
PTT for me with the kids in the background. Although i am in my man cave i can still hear mother shouting...GET YOUR SHOES OFF THE CARPET! lol
Always push to talk, mainly due to me finding it exceptionally annoying when other people leave the mics open. Heard way too many things I shouldn't :)
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