When will the censorship of anything criticising immigration stop?

What christian culture? Easter? I'm sure we can come up with some other reasons to eat a lot of chocolate.
Well Christmas and Easter I suppose are two things that are definitely now ingrained into our culture because of religion, despite most people not being religious now, so a good example of how religion has shaped culture in the UK.

Although, your tone in this post also suggests that you think that isn't culture either and is meaningless, which is a shame really. After all, as I believe JFK quoted once: "There is no point in the survival of a nation if its traditions do not survive with it".
I agree completely with the tradition, but both of those traditions predate christianity, not only in britain but around the world. I actually approve of both of them as cultural elements, but they don't have or need any religious significance, just a social one, which they have and will continue to have even if christianity had never existed.
Are you seriously suggesting that Christmas and Easter has nothing to do with Christianity?
For me they don't, and I'd wager a fair proportion of the "christian" population. Both represent a time to get together with my family, and a break from work. They carry absolutely no religious significance at all, why should they?

And as I say, they were both celebrations long before Christianity, hence the reason for Christmas being when it is despite the bible depicting his birth as being in springtime.
You are crazy to think Christmas would have become a mainstay tradition without religion. And saying that they carry no religious significance is almost insulting and I am not even religious.
What are you talking about it wouldn't have become a mainstay? It was, it always has been, it's the middle of winter, within days of the winter solstice.

Easter is roughly the middle of spring, a time when traditionally everything is getting going again, things are growing, sheep are lambing.

They were both celebrations long before christianity, and were at most renamed for christianity, why on earth do you think they wouldn't exist without christianity?

What religious significance do they carry then? For yourself or me, both declared non-religious. How can something have religious significance to you if you're not religious?
Would it have carried religious significance say 300 years ago when 99% of the population was Christian?

Yes I'm not religious, but at least I understand the religious connotations and reasoning behind it that have been present in Europe for over a thousand years. But according to you we should just dismiss all that? Because we have no history or culture to be proud of according to some people..
Yet again what is british culture??..going to the pub getting sozzled then heading off to the curry house to sober up or is it british women getting drunk, parading around in tiny clothes and getting themselves knocked then claiming benefits???

No seriously what is british culture exactly and what does it entail exactly Mr cambridge degree person??....because heres the thing having a degree doesnt make you anymore smarter than one without:p:D
Well well done, it is strange how you would chastise someone if they took and portrayed the more extreme and disgusting parts of a Muslim country's culture and claimed that was their entire 'culture', yet this is basically what you have just done with British culture.

What about the language, the accents, the architecture, art, music, literature, food, innovation? What about even folklore and folk songs? And also whether you like it or not: religion.

Cultures obviously evolve gradually, but what is happening with immigration is that they arent evolving, they are being forced to change to suit the people who dont want to integrate.
As highlighted with the example of the Irish in the US, that's exactly how cultures change... But in the case of Britain I'd say that there are many more changes coming from all angles than there are just because of immigration.
The de-religion of christmas and its commercialisation has absolutely naff all to do with immigration.
Where have I claimed anything about immigration being the cause of the 'de-religion' of Christmas. If immigration carries on and they refuse to integrate, it could end up being the cause of us having 'no Christmas', though.
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