When you FIRST saw the internet, what ya think

I had a 9600 motorola modem... I managed to use pc anywhere from dos to dos via 2 sites! It was amazing! ISDN wasn't all that popular or affordable yet... BBS were where it's at - but I never got into that really. 14.4 and 28.8 came along shortly afterwards and stayed around for a surprisingly long time! Though I watch Netscape leading the way for browsers.
Going online visiting Teenchat (in the days before peado's were front page news) and Page3.com :p

I think the first thing i did was................... look at porn in all honesty, i'd signed up to the extremely expensive claranet for my internet.
My god, they were expensive.
I used it at primary school a tiny tiny bit. Probably because they didn't have the funding for the net back then. We just searched up something and found some pictures and that was it. Didn't think much of it back then.

I first really started to get into it back in 2000 when we got a new computer at home and my parents got the internet. Was only 56K and i started surfing and mainly i was using chat rooms talking to people. Met some cool people.

Then i really dived into the internet when we got broadband. 512kb/sec of pure speed. The speed blew me away and i started to download like crazy :D

I love the intarweb <3

In a nutshell. I loved it :)
I'm surprised so many people went straight for porn, our household only had one PC and my mother wouldn't have appreciated me tampering with myself in the front room as she watched the evening news. Besides, the tiny images were still second best to a grubby copy of Razzle.
Psyk said:
[pedantic mode]The internet did exist, the web did not[/pedantic mode]

Sorry about that. I'll give myself 10 lashes for that little outbreak.
Damn right. Thy noose be waiting for thee. :p

I'll concede your correctness though of course - TCP/IP had been around for a considerable time before HTML appeared on the scene.

My first memories are also Compuserve. Back then the two main UK players were Compuserve and AOL. All the sensible people chose Compuserve although in all honesty it wasn't much better than AOL. It's just a shame that AOL never improved. :p

I also remember using NCSA Mosaic when the internet was 'new' (a few of us were able to 'blag' internet connections through work and I was one of the lucky ones). Back then pretty much everything was blue/black on grey, with very little graphics. Pretty much all graphical browsers can trace their roots back to NCSA Mosaic.
wow im quite young compared to most but ive been using the net longer than a lot :o.

Mine was 14.4k US robotics external modem on a b&w 386 compaq laptop of my dads in about 1993 (when i was like 5 :D), used to look at the animorphs site (used to love them books!)

I was on Bulletin Boards for years and then it was 92 when I first went on the net. There wasn't even a search engine then and I think the browser was called Mosaic or something. There were no web pages with porn on but the newsgroups were in their infancy and you could get porn from there (in fact I don't think there were pictures on any web pages back then). The problem was they came in a UUE format and you had to cut and paste into notepad and put it through a UUE convertor before you saw the picture and if you got really good it would take about 2 mins to see a picture. It wasn't long after that a search engine came out which I think was Alta Vista and that totally changed the surfing.
I couldn't work out what to make of it or how it worked when I first got on the net. I thought it would be something I would never understand.

Now I'm hooked. :D
Talking to some girls about 11-12 years ago on Compuserve Y-Chat using a 2400bps (2.4k!) modem (slow as ****)

Thought it was stunning, and i remember downingload virtual elvis for windows 3.1 took about and hour and a half (something like a 60kb proggy) :p

EDIT: Just remembered my first email address was something ridiculous like [email protected] because you could only have a numerical string as a username!
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Well i first saw the internet at 56K and it was goood..

until i realised everyone else was using 512K..

and it was slow..

and i waited..

and waited..

and finally.. got 2 meg broadband.. so i went to uni.. where i download at 10megs a second.. :p :rolleyes:
I wonder why so many people are bragging about how oldskool they are and not actually saying what they though of the internet? Willy waving perchance?
I thought it was quite boring until i installed a few FPS

I also remember being paranoid about pr0n and hacking attacks :o
Jedi Knight on MSN Zone with 56K connection. Battleground Jedi, No Force, Sabers Only

OOOOOOH YEA :D Those were the days. I thought the net was fantastic when I first got introduced to it, but then I first saw it on 56k which for the time was massively slow.
I remember when i got the internet in 1999.

It was amazing, porn, chat, and games :D

But in like 2000 i used p2p software which i thought was amazing.
Berserker said:
I also remember using NCSA Mosaic when the internet was 'new'
dmpoole said:
... I think the browser was called Mosaic or something ...

Tru said:
I wonder why so many people are bragging about how oldskool they are and not actually saying what they though of the internet? Willy waving perchance?
A valid point, so I'll add my thoughts. The internet was a new fangled gadget and like all new fangled gadgets had to be experimented with, but at the time it wasn't much more than that. Over the years it's usefulness became more and more apparent, and I was a regular internet user from the mid-90s on. I can't say I was really addicted to anything on the internet (until I found this place). :)
I first saw the internet this moning and thoght

" WTF is this all this about and what does OMG mean ? " :D

I lie :p

I was working and i herd thay had a pc in the office that was hooked up to the internet , Come dinner time i snuk in and started clicking stuff on the desktop ( icons ) .

I had about 6 diffrent things running at the same time and was totaly lost , I had no clue how to x out of them ... I then began to **** myself as i thoght i would be found out :D

I then opened netscape ( i think it was ) some kind of browser thing , First thing that come to mind was " this is crap " I jumped up and thoght " how am i gonna get rid of the stuff i have messed up ? "

Being a clever dick i flicked the switch on the power socket and turned it off and ran away .

I knew then that the internet was not for me and i was right , I have never used it since and never intend to , Its an over rated fad that will die out just like CB radio .

/ Uber 133t NoOB :p
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