Where did the paranormal go?

Of course they would not. But then isn't everything part of god's plan? You get a job you went for, thank the lord. You prey to your god for things you want to happen. A child dies of cancer. It's gods plan. This is the information that is usually applicable to most religious people I have encountered. They feel their god influences their entire existence. A good friend of mine has a born again sister. She refuses to speak to her as she is now a come out as a Lesbian. This is the kind of harm and prejudice which has no place in our modern society. Christianity and others instill guilt into it's members by demonising normal human wants and needs. They administer control through fear of eternal damnation if they do not comply. It can split up families and friends over which ridiculous sky buddy they do or don't believe in.
Of course they would not. But then isn't everything part of god's plan? You get a job you went for, thank the lord. You prey to your god for things you want to happen. A child dies of cancer. It's gods plan. This is the information that is usually applicable to most religious people I have encountered. They feel their god influences their entire existence. A good friend of mine has a born again sister. She refuses to speak to her as she is now a come out as a Lesbian. This is the kind of harm and prejudice which has no place in our modern society. Christianity and others instill guilt into it's members by demonising normal human wants and needs. They administer control through fear of eternal damnation if they do not comply. It can split up families and friends over which ridiculous sky buddy they do or don't believe in.
Well I've not met anyone who thought murder, rape and child abuse was part of God's plan. Maybe I should be grateful for that :p
Well I've not met anyone who thought murder, rape and child abuse was part of God's plan. Maybe I should be grateful for that :p

The bible says if a man rapes a woman then he must marry this woman. (Because she is no longer of worth to her father) This is so she can be continually raped for the rest of her life.
The bible is pretty unpleasant to women to be honest.
Isn't the bible the word of god?

How about Sodom and Gomorrah?
The bible says if a man rapes a woman then he must marry this woman. This is so she can be continually raped for the rest of her life.
The bible is pretty unpleasant to women to be honest.
Isn't the bible the word of god?

What if the woman gets double teamed? Does the guy who finishes first have to marry her?
The bible says if a man rapes a woman then he must marry this woman. This is so she can be continually raped for the rest of her life.
The bible is pretty unpleasant to women to be honest.
Isn't the bible the word of god?
Tbh this is pretty off topic and if you want to have a discussion about the Bible probably best to have its own thread. Probably my fault tho. Or at least 50/50!
Tbh this is pretty off topic and if you want to have a discussion about the Bible probably best to have its own thread. Probably my fault tho. Or at least 50/50!

I love a good debate on religion. I do feel quite strongly about it lol.

What if the woman gets double teamed? Does the guy who finishes first have to marry her?

She would probably be put to death or smited or something.
Don't know if the footage is genuine but it would be interesting if it was. Makes for good viewing regardless:


I agree that it's interesting if genuine footage, but when I see a light in the sky moving more quickly than I would expect an object to move, my first thought is that...it's a light. Point a bright enough light at suitable cloud cover and you can get a light in the sky flitting about with pretty much any velocity changes you want. The velocity changes didn't seem all that extreme in the video I saw (I don't know if it's the same one - I couldn't be bothered to grant all the sites called from the page you linked to permission to run scripts on my PC, so I did a quick search instead). Or maybe a very small drone with a very bright light on it. You could fire a lot of bullets at a very small drone hundreds of metres away in the sky and miss with all of them. It would make a good distraction. It might serve a psychological warfare purpose, putting your enemies on edge.

Or, of course, it might be footage of the guns being fired for some other reason with a light edited in afterwards. Who can tell?
From the Daily Star (seriously?!?!) article:
The craft somehow seems to evade all the shots fired by moving at incredible speeds and pulling off otherworldly manoeuvres.
I've watched an RAF Typhoon perform more extreme manoeuvres than this, and that was back in 2007.
But the footage has since made waves across the internet – with many claiming the striking manoeuvres of the object mean it can't possibly be a normal aircraft.

Popular YouTube theorist DiscloseTV commented: "The military believes it was a UAV spy drone but since this aircraft is so fast, stops mid-air, turns instantly and immediately accelerates to incredible speeds, it is more likely it is something equipped with alien technology – alien or Earthbound."
It's filmed at night in complete darkness, with no points of reference to determine speeds, distance or dimensions.
At no point does it stop - it may have appeared to stop but that's what happens when an aircraft (or any object) crosses your field of vision then turns to head back the opposite way.
Again, nothing this craft does is anything beyond what a Typhoon is capable of, which, funnily enough, isn't classed as a "normal aircraft" either.
Tbh the video in isolation means very little. It would be useful if it could be supplemented with something additional. I came across this by chance on Flipboard and was a little disappointed with the original link.
I agree that it's interesting if genuine footage, but when I see a light in the sky moving more quickly than I would expect an object to move, my first thought is that...it's a light. Point a bright enough light at suitable cloud cover and you can get a light in the sky flitting about with pretty much any velocity changes you want.
w/ a long beam of light from the ground up to it.
People have 'seen' aliens, loch ness monsters, bigfoot. This is why just 3rd hand accounts and video footage is not enough to prove something is real. Also bringing up the ouija board is funny as that is something proven in the lab to be complete crap.
Ahh yes that very erudite, noteworthy and respected institution, "the lab". You may be able to impress your mate Gazza and the rest of your motley crew down in the Royal Oak with this knowledge, but your faux expansive and immeasurable knowledge bears no weight upon anyone capable of spelling their own name.

Free yes, realised there's more to reality than the physical and scientific.
Went to it because I felt let down by everything and wanted some payback, felt like I never need be scared anymore because the bad things were on my side, or me on theirs. Used it to cause harm, paid for it early, saw many many things, got kicked out of a shared house as things stated happening to people, only after kicking me out did they find in my boxes the satanic stuff and realise why it had all stopped. Saw entities, that saw me several times and left me literally crawling on my hands and knees to get home. I have stories that would facinate.
I got out of it all because I realised it was real. Completely real. It's why there is still rumours of high ups practising forms of it, I tend to believe its an overlapping reality over our own, but I realise this won't wash here.
Do share the stories, they sound fascinating!
There was a fascinating video a few days ago which showed some paranormal activity in a pub. Some fantastic evidence of spiritual activity. Have a look at it here:

See, this is the problem. With obviously faked or easily debunked 'evidence' it erodes the actual investigation of the more compelling. Everything becomes a joke.
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