where do you all work?

callmeBadger said:
I have to pull you up on this. "I work" I've seen what you do in London, call that work, checking the forums all day and talking about Ebay phones.

"I get paid by" would be a more accurate term.

Lol, Ill inform HR :D:D
Work in the Docklands in London now, used to be east london but moved offices this weekend.
Anyways im a Director for a friends company, deals in software developement and also IT contracting etc and before anyone decides to email me about any jobs that are going...ill save you the bother...we have no vacancies and i cant see any arising for the next few yrs as the staff i have working are quite happy...well they would be with the pay we give them lol:p.

Anyways dont really do much other than go to a lot of meetings all over the world so quite a few air miles i have racked up lol. Pay is good and i also have a 20% stake in the company. But cant see myself doing this for life as i have much bigger and better plans for myself in the future:).
I work behind a desk in a cack (and bit dodgy) but easy and convenient job and currently feeling a bit sick after eating 5 day old cholent for lunch. Tasted good though.
Scottland said:
Ironically, I do the inverse :p

It seems, a lot of people seem to do that. Hence I have a clear road their and back, well apart from 2 roadworks (sealand road and a55 grrrrrrr)

Where you work in Chester?
Lt. Manlove said:
It like a 2 minute drive for me! Where are you both from?

As for me, hoping to be working for her Majesty's armed forces.

Not far from the "Blue" bridge ;)

Nathan said:
It seems, a lot of people seem to do that. Hence I have a clear road their and back, well apart from 2 roadworks (sealand road and a55 grrrrrrr)

Where you work in Chester?

Just off the Highstreet, near the amphitheatre
Defcon5 said:
I work at wickes! Helps slowdown my spiralling student debt!

I used to work at Wickes as a teenager and I have to say, it was the best job I've ever had; we had such a laugh and the work felt like you had done a good days labour, expecially in you were on the building aisle or in the warehouse bit.

I now work at Trinity College, Cambridge for my sins.
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