Where is the first floor?

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Well that's not true, is it? If you're on the primary entrance to a building, thinking hotels, office blocks, etc. you'd be neither ground or 1st, or 1st or 2nd, depending where in the world your particular primary entrance happened to be located. You'd be twixt the two initial floor spaces.

The first floor beyond the primary level? So the second one you encounter then?

The problem is that you can't apply the rules of Mars bars or whatever to buildings. You can have no Mars bars but you can't have no floors. Therefore you start on the ground. You cannot think of it as Mars bars/ladders/apples. It is not the same.
Bank Manager: "Glen, I'm sorry to inform you of this, but there's zero money in your account"

Glen: "That's great News! I thought I was skint"

It's not the same thing though.

No money is nothing. The ground floor is something. The same rules do not apply.
By what rationale?

I think you'd be on the nth floor of the local police building :)

Of course they are.

If you think of the ground floor as floor 0, you will be confused. The ground floor is the ground floor. It is G. The floor above is 1. Buildings do not conform to the binary rule.
People are getting too hung up on floors anyways, think of it as first floor above ground level etc... ;) that's the way it is on plans.

It's not always the way. At work I walk straight through the door which is ground level. There is no elevation whatsoever.
Well by your logic this is the 10th page (now 11th), since the one you start with doesn't count.

In theory if we opened this topic on a page called E, we could then call that the Entry page. Then pages 1, 2, 3 etc would follow as elevations above that page.

However, that wouldn't work because you would have to physically go INTO the topic to get to E. However, you are already on the ground when you go into the ground floor of a building. Which is why the rules apply to some things and not to others. You are already on the ground, you do not go to the ground to get to the ground floor.
You are on the ground until you enter a building, at which point you are on the first floor of the building you encounter.

And if the ground floor has no walls or doors, purely pillars, are you still on the first floor? What makes the floor, the walls? The doors? No, the floor does. Just because it is beneath the building it does not become the first floor. It is the floor on the ground, i.e. the ground floor.
Are you in a building? If you are not in a building you are not on the ground floor, merely the ground.

Your logic is skewed because you think that when you put four walls and a door around a space it stops being the ground and becomes this thing called the first.

If there were no walls or doors but just pillars, you are still in the building and still on the ground, are you not? So it is the ground floor.
It's not my picture, but clearly demonstrates what Lysander was saying is wrong.

It actually doesn't. Below the house is nothing, no operation, no personnel, no furniture, it is clear that it is neither a habitable or working space and is irrelevant to the floor naming or numbering system. The floor that you walk in on, behind the front door, would be called the ground floor.

And of course it's your picture, you chose it to illustrate a point. That's like saying these aren't my words, I just chose them to construct a sentence.
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What if you were to string a hammock across between the posts?

In fact, lets take that a step further.

What if that was in fact a 2 storey building, but the entrance is 1 level above ground level, so ground level is actually the second level you enter.

Surely, by the logic of the numbering system starting with the first floor you enter, that would make the ground level floor the second floor, since it's actually the second floor you enter?

*note, it's ground level, not first level

It doesn't have to be that complex. If the main entrance is on the first floor, it's the first floor.

The hammock example is an interesting one, but an oddity. I wouldn't call it a workable floor as such, just a hammock between two posts.
That's simply not how it works

the floor is an ITEM, it exists. When Nestle make kitkats, the first one off the production line is ONE. Not ZERO.

We've already ascertained that this is not the same as Kit Kats or Mars bars or whatever.

The ladder analogy is far better. The first step up is where you count 'one' from. You do not count 'one' before you have even started climbing the ladder, or stairs.
no i would start at 1, this god awful thread doesnt start on the 0th page, it starts on the 1st page and goes on and on and on and on and on to the 15th (and counting) :D

Like so many other people you're missing the point. SOME things start at one and SOME things start at zero.

Pages, books, manuscripts, start at page 1.

Stairs and ladders etc begin with the first elevation. Not at ground level.
No your missing the point, when you are talking about any scenario where negatives have the possibility to exist you need to include zero. Books, Porn Mags, Forums all start from page one because that is the long engrained convention, and it's not inherently wrong. There is no scenario where they need to worry it won't work because nobody is ever going to go to page -1.

If however I created a radical new type of forum where discussion was made much better with the possibility of having negative numbered pages I would now need a 0th page. Zero needs to exist in any scenario where a negative value is possible!

So in the scenario of buildings where we are talking elevation and have the possibility of going into negative numbers zero needs to exist. The most logical place to put the zero is on the ground floor, therefore if we dig down we go to -1 and if we elevate up we go to 1.

The number system chaps, it's been about for quite a while, I suggest we use it!

I think, in a roundabout way, we're saying the same thing. I agree that where negatives are possible, 0 needs to exist. That's a very good way of putting it. Even if your house or flat doesn't have a basement now, it could at some point.
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