Where to get 98 RON?

Since my 'new' recommends 98 RON if available I thought I might start using that. But I'm struggling to find places that even sell it?
My local Sainsbury's et al don't.

Where do you get the good stuff? And anyone based in Shrewsbury who knows where to go?

as above

Just use Super Unleaded instead of normal unleaded. Use Shell VPower if possible and get yourself a shell fuel card :)
[TW]Fox;22269147 said:
Really, where? Shell do not have a Super Unleaded product that isnt VPower so you are suggesting there are Shell sites with only two grades of fuel, this seems unlikely.

Chipping Norton shell for one
What's the car out of curiosity?

Mk4 Golf :D

..2.8L V6 4motion.

as above

Just use Super Unleaded instead of normal unleaded. Use Shell VPower if possible and get yourself a shell fuel card :)

Got me one of those when I filled up at a convenient Shell passing through Stoke. Decent price, too.. seems like Shrewsbury's about a penny or two more expensive for the regular stuff, but nearer 10p more for the good stuff, compared to Stoke :(
Just stick with the cheaper 95 stuff tbh.

why buy a car with a powerful V6 engine and then purposefully use a fuel that will result in it developing less power ?

Granted its only a single, maybe barely double figure reduction, but still. Kind of defeats the point doesnt it ?

Especially for the £4.40 a tank extra it costs (assuming a 55 litre tank) If you fill up every week thats £228.80 extra over a year. Your road fund license for 6 months is probably more.
from memory the biggest difference is peak torque

and if you werent interested in power then what were you doing buying a 2.8 v6 etc

Incidentally, is a remap (usually not much point with this engine because it's n/a) going to offer a significant improvement if set up for 98 or 99 RON?

do some searching, from memory those use motronic me7.5. if so, get an obd lead and lemmiwinks and you can also the ignition timing (globally) for simple easy gains
why buy a car with a powerful V6 engine and then purposefully use a fuel that will result in it developing less power ?

Granted its only a single, maybe barely double figure reduction, but still. Kind of defeats the point doesnt it ?

Especially for the £4.40 a tank extra it costs (assuming a 55 litre tank) If you fill up every week thats £228.80 extra over a year. Your road fund license for 6 months is probably more.

I don't have £230 to spend on the single, maybe barely double figure increase in power. I think the V6 will have significantly more power than the 1600cc version.

I can't believe that you think buying a V6 and running the 95RON fuel means the whole thing is pointless and you should have got the 1.2 it's bonkers logic. A V6 on 95RON fuel will still be better than a smaller engine car on 99RON fuel.
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why buy a car with a powerful V6 engine and then purposefully use a fuel that will result in it developing less power ?

I was thinking about this the other day, so 95 RON gives you less power - However this only really matters when you're driving at wide open throttle, because if you're driving at 90% throttle and short of a few horses, just open the throttle more surely?
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