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Wheres todays best bang for the bucks?

This is from then latest TPU review:

About 45% more performance.

From Techspot/Hardware Unboxed:

38% with their test suite. The cheapest RTX4070 on OcUK is £579:

That is 57% more money than the RTX3060TI FE.But the bigger kicker,is the RTX3060TI was about 40% faster than the RTX2060 Super,nearly a year into the Pandemic. It was the same price. The RTX2060 Super was nearly 40% faster than a GTX1070 and so on. Prices are starting to drop on the famous auction site for the RTX3060TI - seen cards drop as low as £215 on there,with quite a few going for under £300.

The fact that Nvidia has to bundle D4 within a few weeks of launch is indicative they are needing to push up sales. So I expect we might see some price corrections.

Just a few other musings:

RTX3000 new prices are finally starting to drop too. Despite all the noise Nvidia had cleared its RTX3000 stock its obvious there is plenty of it in the channel. So the RTX3060 12GB is now an alternative at under £300 if someone has an older dGPU and wants an Nvidia card with more than 8GB of VRAM. The RTX4060 might be a bit more faster and a bit more expensive but the RTX3060 might outlive it.

Now you can get an RX6800 16GB for just under £430,and its quite possible it might even drop to £400. RX6700 12GB for under £300 a few days ago. RX6600 8GB for under £200. There was an RTX4070TI briefly for £630 recently. Even a brief drop in the RTX4090. There is value in the market if people shop around.
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Things are steadily going in the right direction. RAM is much cheaper, NVME are dirt cheap, there are bundle deals on motherboards+CPU. We just need GPUs to drop a little more and PSU's to get a bit cheaper.
PSUs were reasonably decent value until a few months ago. I suspect there was a glut of them.
I had to hunt around. I think I paid £165 for a Corsair RMx1000W but the current prices seem on average quite high. I got lucky on my other Seasonic 750W Ti and picked that up for £130 a couple of years ago.
So just asking your opinion, if I can buy any card up to about £650, where do I put my money? I can see the advantage of sitting on a 7900 and saving the cash for a good improvement, or going all out on a future proof 4070 and rebuilding my system. Or do I wait?

You can always wait. Or you can start having fun. IMHO no card is future-proof, so forget that sales tactic. IMHO right now there are only 3 new cards worth buying: the RTX 4090, the RX 6600, and the A750. And the last two aren't much of an uplift from your current GPU. So I think you should look at second-hand GPUs and the RTX 3090 and 3090 Ti seem to be the standouts there.
While I'm at it here's the calculation for the Nvidia cards based on the best prices on OCUK at time of writing

ModelPrice3D MarkUplift Vs 1070TIPoints per £Uplift per £
Where do you find that as I would like to see it against my 1080.
Where do you find that as I would like to see it against my 1080.
The data is from the 3dmark site ( https://benchmarks.ul.com/compare/best-gpus ), i just plugged it into a spread sheet with the pricing to generate the information

Because 1080 is about 10% stronger thean 1070Ti it makes the lower end cards significnatly worse value for money. I dont want to spam the thread with more tables that are so similar so I will send it to you directly
Things are steadily going in the right direction. RAM is much cheaper, NVME are dirt cheap, there are bundle deals on motherboards+CPU. We just need GPUs to drop a little more and PSU's to get a bit cheaper.
If anything the new gen gpus have gone up in price and are now back to almost crypto prices highs.

A 3070 was £1200 during the crypto boom, it has a 392mm2 die and a 256 bit bus, now the current gen card with a 372mm2 die and 256 bus is £1200

A 3060 was £600-800 during crypto with a 276mm2 die and 192 bus and now it’s current gen equivalents 295mm2 die 192 bus are back up to £600-800.

A 3050 was £400-500 and now current gen equivalent spec replacements are £400-500 so prices are going back up to crypto highs but gpu names have changed to deceive people into paying more because they think they are getting a higher end product.
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I was lambasted for saying the 4070 was actually not a bad product.

But it seems like since the more recent events in the market the 4070 isn't actually all that bad after all.

If your looking for a good price/performance the 4070 isn't a bad shout out of a poor selection.
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Agreed, but only at the £550/560 level imo and it's pretty good. Beyond that it starts becoming not-so-great...

Not really as it is 57% more expensive at its RRP than an RTX3060TI for 38% to 45% extra performance. That is what the RTX3060TI gave you over the RTX2060 Super. Its another cash grab,but it appears Nvidia has done enough to make people think it's great.

They have indoctrinated people to normalise pandemic pricing,and what started with Turing V1 has ultimately worked.

So that means,people on here will be fine when the RTX5070 16GB will be £825+ for around 40% to 45% extra performance than the RTX4070 12GB.

Everyone I know around me who got RTX3060TI,etc have decided to not bother upgrading.
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I'm lucky I can get whatever card I want, but considering I run 4K it has to have a certain amount of fps power so chose a 7900XT to settle on for now (4090 was just way too overkill for my gaming needs, just don't game that much to justify!).
Yes but we can do that all the way up the stack from a certain point, we know a certain segment of buyers are willing to forego value for fps gain depending on what they can actually afford.

It would have been better for Nvidia to refresh the RTX3000 series,add some extra VRAM and call it day:
1.)RTX3070 Super 12GB at £469~£499(RTX3080 12GB)
2.)RTX3060 Super 16GB at £369~£399(RTX3070 with more VRAM)
3.)RTX3050 Super 12GB at £269~£299(RTX3060TI with a 192 bus and more VRAM)

Made on cheap Samsung 8NM,and basically could re-use all the existing coolers,etc. Then you could have the 4N range above that. The smaller 4N dGPUs could be used for laptops.

At least they will have more VRAM,and extra performance.

Now with the RTX3000 series getting price reductions,the RTX3060TI is £300 at some retailers. So you are getting 38 % to 45% extra performance for over 85% more money.The RTX4060TI is now 33% more money for being barely 10% faster than an RTX3060TI. The RX6700XT was around £285 a few days ago. So 40% more expensive,4GB less VRAM,etc.
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This is from then latest TPU review:

About 45% more performance.

From Techspot/Hardware Unboxed:

38% with their test suite. The cheapest RTX4070 on OcUK is £579:

That is 57% more money than the RTX3060TI FE.But the bigger kicker,is the RTX3060TI was about 40% faster than the RTX2060 Super,nearly a year into the Pandemic. It was the same price. The RTX2060 Super was nearly 40% faster than a GTX1070 and so on. Prices are starting to drop on the famous auction site for the RTX3060TI - seen cards drop as low as £215 on there,with quite a few going for under £300.

The fact that Nvidia has to bundle D4 within a few weeks of launch is indicative they are needing to push up sales. So I expect we might see some price corrections.

Just a few other musings:

RTX3000 new prices are finally starting to drop too. Despite all the noise Nvidia had cleared its RTX3000 stock its obvious there is plenty of it in the channel. So the RTX3060 12GB is now an alternative at under £300 if someone has an older dGPU and wants an Nvidia card with more than 8GB of VRAM. The RTX4060 might be a bit more faster and a bit more expensive but the RTX3060 might outlive it.

Now you can get an RX6800 16GB for just under £430,and it’s quite possible it might even drop to £400. RX6700 12GB for under £300 a few days ago. RX6600 8GB for under £200. There was an RTX4070TI briefly for £630 recently. Even a brief drop in the RTX4090. There is value in the market if people shop around.
Yeah not sure why anyone would think the 4070 is a deal, it has even worse price to performance than a 4060ti.
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