Whey AA profiles. What to look for ?

You have got a handful of years on me but you're not THAT old :p

I am not so sure about that, been seeing the odd grey eyebrow hair now and then and this week I noticed a couple fo grey chest hairs :eek:. This is the point of life where I need to correct people. It is not old but distinguished :D. Nah, still plenty of life in this old dog yet....

I love going to the Billingsgate fish market at 4-5am - you get some bargains and fish by the kilo. It's incredible. It's an effort though even for me! :D

When visiting the UK in june, my father took a trip there to get a salmon for the party the June photos were taken at in my progress thread. I declined his kind offer of getting up for a 4am trip to Billingsgate :D.

Funnily enough I do seem to get more attention these days, though I get some from men too :eek: (Usually drunk chavs who always pick on the biggest guy from the group friends I'm with, typically me :( Though never had any issues really. :))

That is one thing I really like about Singapore. No chavs. You do get Ah Beng's but they are not quite as bad. Most of the drinking places are central and so residential areas are not effected by 3am singing. It is rare for there to be trouble due to drink and TBH if there is any it is usually tourists. The locals know the rattan cane here too well, not that I have had any issues with the police or feel oppressed. Not really any different (well not worse) than the UK as long as you stay out of politics ;).

As for the weekends, I still train at weekends, but often train even harder than during the week, and it's the tme I catch up on more sleep and more food. Hasn't done me any harm to date though!! :D

My youngest is now 18 months and goes to a 1.5 hour a week class with othe similar aged toddlers. The class ib by the gym I use so I go to the gym while my wife sits in with our young one. I do find if I do weights at around lunch time then my performance seems to be much worse than at 6pm. Maybe it is the food cycle and the wrong time due to lack of fuel in the body (food eating time). Not sure.

Your body adjusts to your daily routine - if working out at around lunchtime works out better for you - stick to it. :)

I do have a slump at around 3pm - but once in the gym around 6pm I liven up. :)
Now and then it is an advantage to go at lunch time like tomorrow when my wife has decided she would like to go clubbing.

We'll see how it goes. Right off to the gym. Almost 6pm here now.

Ok so just go for a whey protein with the minimum of additives at a reasonible price. Low cal for fat loss and high cal for weight gain.

I am currently using EAS 100% whey protein (120cal for 23g protein) which was the best protein to cal whey they had (GNC) although they quite effetively hit me around the head with the idiot stick without out me noticing when they charged me Sin$220 per 5lbs tub (I got two as they were buy one, get one free). I have since found out that the same brand and type can be bought in Singapore from what looks like a respected website for Sin$78 per 5lbs. The next time I went in to the shop I told them what a ripoff they were.


Honestly, it doesn't really matter what else is in it, its just your overall diet. You could buy a whey protein with carbs added thats higher calorie, but as long as you cut carbs/calories elsewhere it doesn't matter. Though saying that often, the best quality proteins come on their own and are cheap, the best quality carbs are cheap when you buy them on their own, buy a package with everything premixed and price goes up dramatically. For instance I buy the when isolate which is higher % protein per scoop, but I get it because its got less lactose in. If I was buying the lower percentage whey, i'd just eat slightly more and eat 2 grams less of carbs elsewhere in my daily diet.

Generally speaking I wouldn't worry to much about calorie content of your protein shakes, just your overall daily intake and even then, don't go mad. Calories aren't close to everything, if you eat 1500 calories of high gi carbs, say french bread, and a load of saturated fat, you'll put on more weight than if you eat 2500 calories of fantastic and healthy food.

Just eat right. low gi carbs, and for losing really as low carb as you can manage a decent diet with which will vary from 5grams to 200grams depending on the person and what they like to eat, whatevers right for your. Decent quality protein, some veg, decent quality fats, things packed with omega 3's or supplementing omega 3's is very useful.

The whole calorie thing does my head in, say you've eaten 40grams of protein, one person is lazy, bone idle, and the body isn't repairing muscle, it burns it for energy. Another guy needs it to repair muscle, the body decides to use the protein for muscle cells rather than burning it, did they both consume 160 calories or just the guy who burnt it for fuel?

Eat right and your body will constantly repair itself, not just muscles from weight lifting, every cell in your body gets replaced fairly regularly. The better you eat and the more good supplies available, the better your body does and the more energy it uses.
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yourwhey said:
Its selling well and just about everybody re orders, they get the results they just dont get from other poor quality suppliers..... I sell a shed load to bodybuilders, the army and people who know the difference between a high quality pro product and a mass market retail product. It doesn't sell to people not 'in to' sports nutrition, they just dont see the quality, they see the slightly higher price and that is it. It sells well in Poland, shifted 300Kg in the last month, it was well worth setting up that franchise.

We dont sell much to [people] buying cancer causing casein filled Nutrisport 90+ and MyProteins 3rd grade IMPACT microwaved pig feed (its microwaved to kill harmful bacterial and make it suitable for human consumption).

..., its a Premium Professional Product not to be confused with the bulk animal feed suppliers, Your Whey is premium 1st grade (NOT 3rd grade animal feed) whey containing the whole Human Amino Acid profile (H&B's Whey contains only 16 AAs! the others are removed and sold as they are worth more separated) Your Whey is Free from GM ingredients, Artificial Flavours, Colours and Preservatives. ... if they want to try something quality they can buy a sample for 99p inc P&P. http://www.yourwhey.co.uk/#/samples/4532569023

Just a lil note: H&B and MyProtein products contain Ash (approx 2-4%) but they claim the whey is 'UnDenatured' a supplier pointed this out to me. They are heat treated but it is done to the milk ingredient, so they can claim the Whey is not heat treated! Leaving it approx 40 to 60% inactive. So Impact WPC80 only contains about 30 to 60% available active Protein, the Nitrogen test they use is inadequate to tell the difference between available and denatured proteins. If you read MyProteins FAQ they sneek in some lawer language to get around advertising it as 'UnDenatured'
Its a bit much to rewrite it so I quoted it leaving out the bits that are opinion/instructions. This is in reply to the 4th post.
Honestly, it doesn't really matter what else is in it, its just your overall diet. You could buy a whey protein with carbs added thats higher calorie, but as long as you cut carbs/calories elsewhere it doesn't matter. Though saying that often, the best quality proteins come on their own and are cheap, the best quality carbs are cheap when you buy them on their own, buy a package with everything premixed and price goes up dramatically. For instance I buy the when isolate which is higher % protein per scoop, but I get it because its got less lactose in. If I was buying the lower percentage whey, i'd just eat slightly more and eat 2 grams less of carbs elsewhere in my daily diet.

Understood but I would rather have to manage a 2g carb loss from my diet than a 32g from a grow/bulking product :D

Generally speaking I wouldn't worry to much about calorie content of your protein shakes, just your overall daily intake and even then, don't go mad. Calories aren't close to everything, if you eat 1500 calories of high gi carbs, say french bread, and a load of saturated fat, you'll put on more weight than if you eat 2500 calories of fantastic and healthy food.

Ok but how do you know if the mix you have is right for loosing weight if you cannot go by calories. Surely some form of measure is required rather than monthly trial and error.

The whole calorie thing does my head in, say you've eaten 40grams of protein, one person is lazy, bone idle, and the body isn't repairing muscle, it burns it for energy. Another guy needs it to repair muscle, the body decides to use the protein for muscle cells rather than burning it, did they both consume 160 calories or just the guy who burnt it for fuel?

I know what you mean but maybe looking at it as unrealised Kcals which only get realised when burn for fuel (like stock market shares only really having value when sold / bought. Until then they only have unrealised value). This does bring up another interesting question though. The 2500 average for a normal man daily KCal intake - Is this just for fuel to do things (walk/talk/pump heart) or does it include KCals for muscle and cell repair as well ?

Eat right and your body will constantly repair itself, not just muscles from weight lifting, every cell in your body gets replaced fairly regularly. The better you eat and the more good supplies available, the better your body does and the more energy it uses.


Thanks DM

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