Mods - if possible - poll? 'Which bike looks cooler?' 'Top Bike', 'Bottom Bike'
Hi, about to get my first big bike. Woohoo!
I have done LOTS of research and after weeks of reading have got my first 'big bike' down to two contenders. Believe it or not, my final decision is NOW purely aesthetic. You do NOT need to know ANYTHING about bikes to answer my question. Which of the below two looks cooler/more awesome in your opinion? I'm not talking about mpg, handling, insurance, anything else as I know it all already - just looks now (and I know they look similarish!)!
The one with the most votes will result in a purchase from myself (piccies will follow, buying end of July). Which do I prefer? Well I love them exactly equally So, some help with a tough decision here please lads .. which would you choose?
The decision is yours ..
Hi, about to get my first big bike. Woohoo!
I have done LOTS of research and after weeks of reading have got my first 'big bike' down to two contenders. Believe it or not, my final decision is NOW purely aesthetic. You do NOT need to know ANYTHING about bikes to answer my question. Which of the below two looks cooler/more awesome in your opinion? I'm not talking about mpg, handling, insurance, anything else as I know it all already - just looks now (and I know they look similarish!)!
The one with the most votes will result in a purchase from myself (piccies will follow, buying end of July). Which do I prefer? Well I love them exactly equally So, some help with a tough decision here please lads .. which would you choose?
The decision is yours ..